questions/concerns about bfing second child

edited January 2012 in Breastfeeding
long story here: With my first child i was gung ho about breastfeeding. i was determinded to do it. So then when she was born i tried and tried. i had a couple of different women in the hospital try to help and was given a nipple sheild to help as well.(which it did) but no matter what my daughter would get frustrated after a couple of sucks and there was no breast milk yet. she would get so upset that i would get upset and just give her a bottle. we even tried giving her a little bit of formula before i would bf and again she wouldnt take it. i did pump but was a bit stressed after coming home due to having no family or friends around to help with housework(my husband went back to work after a few days) and me taking care of a newborn by myself after a c section and not.really taking care of myself and my supply decreased. i would still try from time to time but she would still only suck for a few minutes if that. i became depressed and just stopped all together after just 3 wks. i felt like a total failure. i wanted to bf longer. im glad she got a little bit of breast but it really bothered me. even now when my husband makes comments about me not breastfeeding 'that long' it really puts me down. Now im due again in 4 months and im really hoping i can breastfeed this one. im just worried the same crap is going to happen and im going to be depressed again for being a 'failure' (my opinion) i was just wondering what should i do this time around. any advice would be welcomed ladies. :)


  • .... wow I meant bump lol
  • Just put the baby on at birth. Latch on every time he/she cries. Drink lots of water eat well n hope for the best. Dont wait to get home from hospital before iffering breast feed bub asap
  • My first two kids i could only breastfeed untill about 5 weeks then my milk would dry up for som reason. It took untill my third baby to be able to and at 7 months it dryed up because im pregnant with my 4th baby and i hope i can breastfeed this one too. I felt like a failure to and even when i could feed the third i felt like why her but nit the others i felt gulity. You just never know who your body is going to or your baby. Every baby is very different. So just try to stay postive, if you start out saying i cant then you wont. So stay postive and say you can. And try not to feel bad if you cant because that doesnt mean you didnt want to!
  • And about your guy, mineis the same way!! so i cant be much help there sorry.
  • edited January 2012
    @bummy87 i did. but she would get frsutrated and the women at the hospital only helped so much and they always came AFTER i had already feed the baby a.bottle so they didnt see how she would feed which would piss me off(even though i had requested them to be there sooner) she would breastfeed a little at a time at the hospital with the nipple sheild but that was always a battle. and family, although i was glad they were there to visit would never let me have privacy to get a hang of breastfeeding

    @mageoo i know he doesnt 'mean' it to hurt me with those comments but it really does. He was only home for a few days after and after that i had no help from ANYONE so i had to do housework by myself and take care of the baby by myself. it looks like its going to be the same story this time around so im already frustrated about that
  • I mean this time not last time. Thats in the past now. maybe u should say that u only want visitors between such n such times. A great tip is to not take formula to the hospital so u have to feed.
    I dunno y but it never occured to me to buy formula i just presumed i would feed n theres nothing more to it. Maybe i was just nieve at 19 but hey it worked anyway goodluck xx
  • @bummy87 i wish. i tried to let it be known to them that both my husband and i were tired,and needed our rest but they would still come and stay for hours on end. they even brought my SIL kids who were 3 and 1 at the time and super loud and obnoxious [-( i even thought about putting a sign on the door saying something like 'mommy and baby rest come back later' but im sure they would still mosey on in. even after the birth when we wanted our alone time with the baby his mother had to be there
  • Breast feeding takes time and patients for mommy and baby. If you can dedicate that it will pay off in the king run. You both are having to learn how to breast feed and how to take the nipple. Take your time and just be patient.

    I have 4 kids and my first child I only nursed for the first 6 weeks because I was 18 and found it to time bounding and too much dedication needed.

    My 2nd child I was 25 and I absolutely loved BF. He loved the bounding period and I nursed him until he was 2 yrs old.

    When I was 28 I had my 3rd who is a little independent diva. She wanted the breast milk but didn't like to work hard at nursing so I pumped for her for 3 months.

    Now I'm 37 and My last child is 5 months. We struggled at the beginning. She's a lazy nurser. Only wants to nurse and sit on one breast the entire time. She loves the bonding but when she was first born we struggled with latching and getting her to stay up and nurse.

    Every child is different... Just stick with it.
  • It is important within the first hour after birth to do skin to skin and nurse baby. Don't let baby out of your site at the hospital.
    If you are going in for another c section, baby might be sleepy and lazy at first. Just make sure you or dad is there during any type of testing. And yes some babies won't nurse after a pacifier is introduced too early.
  • @bahamamama4828 we did the whole skin on skin contact and they dont have a nursery at the hospital i delivered at so we had the baby the whole time hence why we were both exhusted lol we didnt use a pacifier until we got home and she didnt use it much
  • edited January 2012
    @bahamamama4828 yep and im already just getting myself frustrated and the baby isnt even here yet! :(

    @bummy87 I just dont want a repeat of what happened last time because i really wanted breastfeeding to work and i know there are plenty of mothers who dont bf and all their babies are healthy like mine but it almost made me feel less of a woman because it seemed like everyone else can do it :-S
  • I had this exact problem! When Marlie was born she wouldn't suck very long and we found out it was because the little bit of colostrum was not enough to get her going. So we took a bottle of formula and put a long tiny tube in it and when she would latch on id slide the tube in her mouth so it acted like a straw and when she sucked she got more. And there is no use of a bottle with a nipple to get nipple confusion. After my milk came in i never had to use it again. She does great! She's 2.5 months and we are still bfing. :)
  • Sns! There's the next option if you have probs! Not a shield :)
  • I'll have to look into that @thetrondsons1st thank you ladies for making me a bit less depressed about breastfeeding
  • Yes! IF you have the same problem again definally talk to the lactation nurses about it. No shield
  • Well i hope they will be a.lot more helpful this time around. Other than not being there when i really needed them they seemed to be putting me down by telling me everything.wrong my husband and i were doing rather than HELPING us. @thetrondsons1st
  • Did you see an lc at Wic as well? You can order an sns on amazon if that time comes. If you have issues with an lc try seeing a lelecheleague member :)
  • The best advice I ever got about breastfeeding was to relax. As soon as I just let loose, everything clicked so well!
  • I tried breastfeeding but Nyla wont latch on & I had a c section & I had no help & my milk came in like 7 days after Nyla was born. I went out & bought nipple Shields n the Lc at Wic tried to help with the latching still didnt work but Wic lend me a double pump n ive been pumping n the first five Weeks Nyla got my breastmilk & enfamil but after I got the pump at six Weeks shes been only getting my breastmilk til now n shes 15 Weeks now :) I pump about 40oz a day. Next baby I have im going to try hard to bf BC with Nyla I gave up too soon but at least shes still getting breastmilk. Good luck to u
  • I feel like a failure. I let my baby nurse freely but there's never enough. My supply is decreasing. She's getting more and more formula nowadays. Nothing I've tried increases it. She'll be 3months in a few days.
  • Best advice I read on here that really helped me... Dont give up bf on a bad day. If you choose to stop do it on a good day when your calm and clear. Set small goals, like feeding for just 1 more week. Doing this really helped me when I wanted to give up. And if you refuse to give up on a bad day you have the sense to think about if your really ready to give it up.
  • Thanks @everyone i dont know why im stressing about this whole bf thing and the baby isnt even here!! And i know if i stress out when the baby gets here it really wont be a good thing
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