We just ran out of nursery water & my LO is hungry so I boiled some focit water & let it cool then made his bottle w/that. Is it okay if I used regular focit water?
My doctor actually told me not to use nursery water... something about too much fluoride they put in it is not good for newborns. I don't really know but I always use tap water.
@preggointx im not saying not to boil it. I use nursery water. And if I ever run out I boil it. I was just saying. I've heard alot of pediatricians say it doesnt matter. Boiling it can actually make the lead worse. It gets rid of other things, but not lead.
@my2boys I use the gerber nursery water. Fluoride free
I used straight tap water with my son, he's 5 and he's fine. I did the same with my daughter, she's 8 months and fine as well. I'm sure its fine. All I've ever heard is no well water...
@ta2edblondie thanks for the clarification on the well water! That's the only restriction I was ever informed of, and I'm a little ignorant because I don't live anywhere near a well as I'm in the city and have never been in a rural area LOL.
@my2boys I use the gerber nursery water. Fluoride free