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- SupppTayyy
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When are you due? I read your post on the pot smoking subject, I am 27 weeks and have been smoking my whole pregnancy. I plan on quiting before baby is born because they drug test at birth. I give you props for not giving a crap what all these judgmental people have to sayMarch 2011
SupppTayyyI'm actually still ttc:( was meant for that to be a future kind of thing haha. But whether I choose to smoke or not ill be having my baby with a midwife farthest away from a hospital as possible. I want6
SupppTayyyStupid touch screen! I want my baby to pick its own birthday, not when the doctor is available and then me being rushed to a csection when he wants to go home for dinner . As for the other women, I feel they don't and never have smoked pot. They don't know what its like to be stoned and completely functional . I do. So be it, we will all have our own opinions... don't take what they say.personal :) I don't.