The Final Five (weeks) and then some...



  • 2 days to go...still pregnant. I'm very sore at this point, but having more contractions. Nothing timeable yet, but I did walk stairs today. lol I walked up the stairs at the mall and rode the escalator down...I'm sure I looked like a crazy woman. I have an NST at 1030 tomorrow morning followed by a doc appt, I know he won't check me so I'm glad the NST will have someone else do it. Hoping to get a sweep tomorrow and an induction date. I anticipate this LO to be at least 8 & 1/2 lbs, despite what the doc son was 8.9 and they didn't know. Aside from him facing up making a rough delivery, I don't think my body is really equipped to deliver a baby too much larger than that. *fingers crossed*
  • @tawanna613 Now that it's after midnight...1 day. :( This baby is making me uncomfortable and I don't think it's coming out without a little persuasion.
  • I am totally in the same boat ladies. 11 days to go for me! Can't hardly stand to walk anymore, it hurts so bad. Had contractions every 15-20 mins the other night and horrible back pain. Then, after over 12 hours of that, it just stopped. :( I have an appointment today so, I am hoping he actually checks me and we can get stuff rolling. Would love to have her on Saturday on my birthday! Keep me posted on your progress ladies! We are almost there. @misskristin @tawanna613
  • @babydoll1823 I'm really hoping this kid chooses to have their own son's birthday is on Monday. lol At this point, I don't know how much more my body can handle.
  • 1 day to go...NST went well, had a few contractions. Fluid level was around 8cms and...I had the nurse check me/strip my membranes. I am 2-3 and nearly completely effaced. :) She said I would spot, but I'm bleeding more than spotting right now. If I keep bleeding, I have to go back in. I will know my induction date this afternoon. :)
  • Due Date: I am miserably anxious. My induction date isn't until the 19th, but yesterday my doc estimated baby to weigh 8 & 1/2 - 9.3lbs. :( Another week means another pound and I don't know if my body is capable of delivering a 10lb baby.

    Had some contractions going, went in, found out there is a lot of scar tissue wrapped around my cervix and that I will likely stay at a 2 until the contractions are strong enough to rip it apart. They expect I will jump from 2 to 6 or 7. WTH?! Why are we waiting on this induction?!
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  • @ArmahnisMommy He said he won't let me go past 41 weeks and didn't seem at all concerned about how I felt. :( I'm really hoping labor gets going this weekend or my water breaks. I started loosing pieces of stuff tonight, more plug I guess, and I've been contracting on and off all evening. Still, I am tired and uncomfortable so I took the advice of the nurse and popped some benedryl. This kid had plenty of opportunity to come out today, now baby can wait until tomorrow. lol This overdue crap is for the birds....twice now, I get to the due date at least 2cms & 80% and NOTHING! My induction date is 5 days from now, but I'd really like to go on my own. Baby is so done, so why am I still pregnant?!
  • There was a girl on here, her doctor thought her baby weighed almost 10 lbs at 37 weeks. She had him at 40 weeks and he only weighed 8 lbs. The estimates are just that, estimates. The ultrasound tech said my baby weighed over 6 lbs during labor at 36 weeks, but she weighed 5 lbs. Best to wait as it gives baby more time to be healthy. 41 weeks sounds like a good date for induction. You could try squats. If you don't have a ball, put two chairs on each side of you, in front of the TV or something, and just squat between them as far as you can. Support the rest of your weight with your arms on the chairs. Encourages baby to put more weight on your cervix. I spent the entire time like this, but on a ball after my water broke. I was 4cm for 4 DAYS before the bag finally was too stressed. I went from 4 to 10cm in just under 3 hours. Rocking back and forth relieves most of the pain as well. Hope baby comes soon!
  • @fate I do understand that it is an estimate, although this estimate was done by feeling the baby instead of an ultrasound. They had no clue my son was as big as he was (8.9 & 21inches when I was finally induced at 41+1 after being at 2cms for 3 weeks) and I have a strong feeling this baby is at a minimum 8 & 1/2. The doctor could also see specks in the fluid from the baby shedding the peach fuzz. My fluids are slowly dropping and were at 8.2 on Thursday. I had a biophysical profile a few weeks back and baby had the breathing motion down and still does at every weekly fluid check. This kid is ready and 41 weeks is pushing it at this point in my opinion. I do have a ball, but for the time being, it's only a temporary fix for the hip pain. I'm still hoping I go on my own before the induction, but at the same time, I wish they would do the induction sooner and monitor my cervix because the thought of dilating so fast is a little unnerving. During my first induction, I went from 7-10 in under an hour.

    Plus, I am picking my son up at the airport on the 22nd which is already a week later than he could have been here. (Horrible shared custody arrangement.) I haven't hugged him since November and it breaks my heart that he won't be here for his birthday now (Jan. 16th), but it wouldn't have been fair to have him arrive here into such a chaotic situation and then have to stay with a friend while I give birth. This custody arrangement isn't something I want and I didn't exactly plan on having another January baby, but after 2 miscarriages, I am grateful to have carried this baby.'s time, but just like last time, my body just isn't sure about starting labor. I also believe my DD is off by 4 days making me 5 days overdue at this point. They wouldn't move the DD by 4 days even though the baby was always 4 days ahead on every ultrasound from my first at 6 weeks.
  • You dilate hella fast on Pitocin. Much faster than you would going on your own. I was induced with my first. It was the worst possible pain. The girl I was talking about, she was felt be her doctor as well. Not with an ultrasound. They probably didn't move your due date because it's better to be ahead than behind. After you have your baby, does the ripped cervix heal on it's own? Sit on that ball, momma. Not just for pain. To put nice pressure on your cervix. Have a nice heart-to-heart with baby. Tell baby that it is ok to come out now. That you're ready, and your arms are waiting.
  • @fate It won't be my cervix ripping, it will be the scar tissue that is wrapped around it and I will be so glad when it does because it's way too tender at this point. Getting checked is beyond painful, like someone pushing on a really bad bruise. It's been tender for weeks as I've dilated and effaced. I still feel the doc's estimate isn't far off, especially with 8cms of fluid. My son was big and I didn't gain a ton of weight, so I don't believe my weight gain is a good indicator. I gained less this time and am still all baby. This poor kid has to be tired of me feeling my tummy and being able to pick out body parts, except for when baby is facing my back. Even though pitocin created strong contractions, I would much rather stand a chance at delivery than to just be pushed to a c-section. I would never opt for a c-section and cannot understand why some women choose to just have it done vs labor & vaginal delivery. It still took 9 hours to get from a 2 to 10, I just managed the last 3 cms in an hour. My body is basically doing the same thing again...contractions (showing up on monitors) but not getting closer together or more painful and without the strong contractions to break through the scar tissue, I will sit at a 2 while the scar tissue acts like a rubber band. Aside from the spotting after the sweep, I've been losing what must have been left of my plug so hopefully this doesn't drag out too much longer. I can barely walk as baby is so low and the tightening slows me up more and the pressure on my bum is annoying because I know I don't have to go to the bathroom. When my tummy is hard, it looks like I'm hiding a perfectly round ball under my shirt, lol.

    I also have no desire for my doc to deliver me, as sad as that is. I think he is a bit too old school for me and might be pro c-section for any reason possible. These were not things I was aware of when I became his patient. I understand no birth goes 100% as planned and I can be flexible, but I will not be bullied into a c-section just to suite his timeline. My baby, my body, and if I labor through one whole shift, bring on the next doc. No one will slice this kid out until I'm sure we were given every opportunity for a safe delivery.
  • @misskristen I really like your attitude about all this. Great that you want what is best for you and baby not just yourself. I know you are in a lot of pain. I really hope that you get some relief here really soon! As for me, my checkup on Thursday yielded little in comfort. He said I have really shortened but still closed. :( still have 9to days till my due date. Don't know how many more sleepless nights of contractions I can do. Hope today is our day!
  • @babydoll1823 Awe, I wish you dilation dust!!! It's hard not to get frustrated, especially with people constantly asking if I've had the baby...obviously I would have mentioned it them. lol And then there are those who have never been pregnant or have never gone overdue...always with the "soon". Well obviously! lol Hubbs family is driving me up a wall about it. I even had someone text me today and say that I must be in labor because I wasn't posting anything on facebook. Stalkers! I was like, no...I'm at Starbucks. lol

    I'm also 100% positive my DD isn't possible because I didn't have sex that day or the the day before and not for a week after. Tracking my cycle & sex worked well for me to become pregnant, but it was not on the day that matches the DD. I ovulated early that month, which I was aware of thanks to the d&c and 2 previous miscarriages. I became very in tune with my body and it paid off. :)
  • Yeah. For the last few days, every time o call certain people, they answer the phone with, " Are we having a baby?" #1I I didn't know we were doing anything. #2 I am tired of hearing it. I have been hearing for months now that I wouldn't make it past Christmas. Well, here it is my birthday and 9 days till my dd. Looks like she still has some baking to do! I swear I get more intolerant of people every day. Just keep telling myself it is gonna all be worth it. :)
  • Request a different doctor. You should always feel like he's doing what's best for you, no matter what!
  • @babydoll1823 Well happy birthday! :) Ya, it takes a lot of patience not to flip out on well meaning idiots, lol. Sadly, the irritation is rerouted to other & stupid drivers or dumb people who can't properly use a crosswalk.

    @fate It's not that he is incompetent, he's just odd/spacey and old school. It isn't likely he will deliver me, especially if I go into labor before my induction date. It is a military hospital that see's WAY too many pregos. Kinda makes you feel like cattle. There are quite a few docs, most of whom I've never met, but there is one I like in L&D and I would love it if I went on his shift. He's hilarious and I would love to laugh my way through my labor. lol
  • Wow.. I couldn't imagine. :( Hope you get the funny doc!
  • @fate Thanks! He really is of my first appts, he walked right out of his shoe, kept walking and talking then went back and slipped it back on. He also introduced himself more than once at diff appts, lol.
  • Lmao. So many patients he can't even remember that you've already met??
  • @fate I guess so. Literally 100's of pregnant women are seen weekly. All the military on the island that have Tricare Prime insurance are seen at's a lot of women! lol
  • 1 day overdue: Was woken up by the back pain that is coming in waves and it is joined by.... bloody show! Thank the Lord my body has done something! :) Gonna shower and bounce on the ball for a little bit. My contractions don't hurt anywhere except for my lower back and bottom, but maybe I can get them to progress a little more before I call L&D.
  • YAY! Keep tagging me!
  • @fate The word "Owwwwww!" comes to mind since it's my most common phrase at the moment.

    The baby doesn't seem to be fighting the contractions today, I assume that is good. Holy goodness my back is in pain, like shoving a knife through my spine. Also, tmi, but the old blood coming out too is disgusting and mixed with large pieces of God knows what. I'm hoping some of it is old scar tissue breaking away!
  • I hope so, too! What did L&D say? You bouncing still? :D
  • I haven't called. Tried laying down and relaxing, only to have the pain/pressure radiate between my bum & vag. Hubby says we aren't waiting much longer. I'm bouncing right now waiting to leave. I hope that this is it and if it isn't, that they can give me something to help me sleep/relax because I can't do anything with the searing pain every few mins.
  • They should be able to give you something to take the edge off, so you can take a nap. I am sure this is it! A few hours (maybe less!) and baby will be here! Oh PLEASE try to update whenever possible! Any pressure? I'm thinking so if your butt and vagina hurt! :D
  • This is great! Hope this is it for you! Keep coming contractions! :)
  • It's baby time!
  • Good luck!!!
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