BFP am excited yet nervous sharp pain on left side

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
How soon should I make and apt w the Dr.? Took another test this morning still says bfp but the pain is scaring me since I had a mc in Oct 2010 after having my IUD removed Sept 2010 and it took this long to get bfp again I know I should not be stressing, its not good for the baby but anxiety is a b!tch so to speak any advise is greatly appreciated :)


  • some wont see you until 8-10 weeks unless you need a pregnancy confirmation.
    congrats on your bfp!!!! :)
  • 8 weeks, congrats btw.
  • You can go on now to get your levels checked. The sharp pain could be constipation? I had horrible cramps the while first 2-3w after I got preg this time which terrified me since I miscarried in may '11.
  • Call and yell them you took a test and it came up positive but you don't know how fat along you are. Must doc has his nurse are a person when they do this to do am in take appointment and get a measumeng ultrasound. I would also voice your concerns. But tar. Most docs won't see you till you are 12 weeks. Atleaset here in Oregon.
    also...CONGRATS! :)
  • @barefootmama im in oregon as well. what part are you?
  • Congratulations :-D pain could be from everything stretching I had that really early on
  • I know a lot of women don't go to see ob/gyn until at least 8 weeks but if you have a good relationship with them you can go earlier. I went at 5 weeks.
  • It's normal...I had that feeling of about to start my period with all 4 of my kiddos :) I know it's hard not to worry but it is normal to get that crampy feeling. It's all so confusing lol ;)
  • I had my first apt at 5-6 weeks.
  • I wuld call an tell them bout the Sharp pains to make sure every thing is ok
  • Usually around 8 weeks. You can make your appointment anytime and they will get you the date! Congrats!
  • @bahamama4828 I am in bend and yourself?
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  • @barefootmama im in salem, i love benf.
  • I had an appointment at 5 weeks and again at 9
  • When I first found out I was prego I had sharp pains on my left side. When I had my first ultrasound the tech said that it was because the baby came from the left ovary.

    Congrats. And I'm sure everything is fine
  • Congrats!! It could be just round ligament pain from your uterus growing so quickly , it's like a cramp on the side of your tummy, I had that a lot & it would always scare the crap out of me!
    Blessings for a happy healthy amazing pregnancy!! <3
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