Breastmilk has not dried up..

edited January 2012 in Breastfeeding
Hello Ladies!
So Zola, as some of you know has a protien allergy to my breastmilk :-( So Now I have her on Nutramigen ($33 dollars a can) So Expensive!!!!! anyway so she has been on that for a month and a half now and I am stll leaking breastmilk! It makes me so angry cuz I have all this free milk floating in my boobs but yet I have to spend $33 bucks every six days (Waiting for WIC) Anyone else still producing milk? When will it go away? I read on google a ladie still has milk 12 months later!?


  • Ace wrap your tatas. It isn't comfortable but it worked for me. I did hear some women sell their boobie milk. Idk if that is an option for you but if your baby can't use it and some place is willing to pay it might be worth looking into.
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  • I used sport bras (2 at a time, really tight) that I kept on for several days, used ice frequently, avoided warm water hitting them, and nyquil also helped. I still get milk if I try really hard to hand express, but no leaking. I stopped bfing in November.
  • Cabbage leaves in your bra are supposed to work..
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  • Thank you all!!!
  • Sage tea, tight fitting bras, and cabbage leaves. Those all will help and make you not feel so engorged too, while supply drops dramatically.

    Also, @RileyAndMe you just named my baby if its a boy.
  • You could also donate your milk to a local hospital. I know it sounds weird but if they participate in that, it's really beneficial for premie babies. My sister had premature twins and could not produce enough for them so they used donated breast milk to keep them strong and give them the nutrients they needed.
    But if not the tight bras and avoiding hot/warm water worked for me. The cabbage and sage tea work well too. It took three days for my boobs not to feel hurt/feel hard, but a couple weeks to stop leaking and another three or four weeks to dry up.
  • I posted about sage tea :) and what everyone else said ^^^
  • what worked for me was cold compresses (I used a frozen wash rag to kinda wrap it around) and I took a decongestant 2 or 3 times a day (nurse recommended)..and a tight bra all day and night..good luck :)
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  • You should think about donating. Its a lot better than selling it. Premies could really ise it
  • @RileyAndMe I refuse to have a girl! Lol. I already have 3!
  • I wish I could donate working full time has me exhausted!! Thanks for all the advice I've got my Boobies strapped down hope it works!!
  • I wore a tight sport bra and I dried up in about 4 days
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