I know its still to early in pregnancy but I worry if i will be able to breastfeed or not. Is there any early ways you can determine if your able to breastfeed or not?
When I was far along in my first pregnancy the doctor, or maybe it was wic Idk but they gave me a paper with different kind of nipples that will help you learn more about it. Sometimes you need a shield or have to position baby differently depending on your nipple type. Im sure you can google it and find more about it, almost everyone can breastfeed it is just easier and more natural for some. Some babies latch right on and others don't as easily. I just suggest doing a lot of research before hand so you are more prepared, I always wish I would have went to a breast feeding class.
Get support and don't listen to docs they seem to be misinformed and only stress moms out I believe they do more harm than good. Talk to women who've been there, join the fb page The Leaky B@@b lots of women with great advice and support. Kellymom.com is helpful too. Make sure your oh is supportive and knows a little. The first few weeks are the hardest be prepare for that. Remember you are both new to breastfeeding, it may take time to get the hang of it and your body knows what its doing only 2% of women rlly have supply issues so DO NOT supplement! And most importantly RELAX try not to stress too much it will get easier and then you'll be so so happy
When you have baby, it is very important to nurse within the hour, skin to skin. Don't be afraid to ask for an lc at the hospital right away. Some nurses there might be helpful before you see an lc. It takes some work and persistence but doable everything will be OK!
Most likely there will be some pain and discomfort as your nipples 'toughen up' and get used to everything. But one your past that point its alot easier. Probably took us 3 weeks before bubs and I were good at it
what I did was a lot of reserch/ reading before you give birth & make sure to prep your partner. drop hints have him reads short articlea & drill into his head bf is natural it might be hard but thats whats best for lo& be open if you need help.
looking at baby stuff is an addiction! lol some advice I WISH I listened to when shopping is dont buy a lot. I know its addicting but you dont really need all the fancy stuff just get the bare minimum till after baby is born & you know youll use it less is best hauling around stuff is not fun lol
I'm having the same fear. Last time it didn't work out too well do to having no help from LC's at the hospital or having any family or friends to help when I got home(my husband had to go to work soon after) so now I'm just stressing that its going to be the same thing this time around. I even have dreams of me trying to BF and it not working and I actually wake up crying. I hope everyhting works out for you though
Yeah thats true. I'm just battling on how to tell the family (both sides) how angry I felt that none of them helped me after having my first baby. My in laws left to S.D to visit someone that wasn't even family 2 days after having my c section and my mother told me to wait while she finished up her semester(she's a elementry teacher). they always do that to me and my husband. They'll drop everything and FLY across the country but tell us that they don't have money to drive down to see us. Just be sure you have a lot of support. And try to take care of your needs as well. Yeah you have to take care of the baby but if you don't take care of yourself(Eating right, drinking lots of water) you're just going to hurt your supply
Just like all the ladies said, do lots of researcb and seek for help, idk if u go to wic program they support bf 100% and they offer free classes which I find it really helpful, they show u different techniques and what not....goodluck and u could always come to ur pregly sisters for help:)..u can do it habibty:)
As far as I know there is no predictor for breastfeeding. You will find out soon after you have your lo. Stay positive, patient, committed, focused and healthy and you will do just fine.
Best advice is to keep at it. Be prepared for it to hurt like hell for the first month. Take care of ur nipples (i use to ice them down and put ointment on them) and never be afraid to seek out help. My milk didnt come in for 8 days. So I had to stimulate more with a hospital grade pump and supp with formula until my supply was up. Above all, believe in ur body. I think fear and doubt are ur worst ememies. Good luck!
I have the same fear girl but if I cant get baby to latch, I already bought medela breastpump cause there is no way in hell im giving up without trying everything lol
It takes some work and persistence but doable
And thanks ladies!