Really @armywife19? Are you in Anchorage? Are you on Pregly for adults? Do you have facebook? Look me up, Sarah Michelle Cox @wyattsmommy never saw it or heard of it and don't want to LOL already really nervous about moving up there! I've never lived in snow before so it's going to be a shocker. I'm moving there on Tuesday! Eek
@cetheridge when are you coming back? @akmommy are you on Pregly for adults on fb? Look me up on face book! I really want some mommy friends! I'm so used to having my parents and friends that I grew up with near me so I want to connect with people soon so I don't feel so lonely. Also it would be great for pediatrician recommendations. I'm moving up there tomorrow... Well its after midnight so I guess today. I have a ten week old little boy. For facebook my name is Sarah Michelle Cox (Mccarty)
@smcox I'm in Ohio right now visiting my parents. my hubby comes home from Afghan. in March and ill be back in April. I'm near anchorage right my the base. I don't have facebook. but we could always communicate threw cell lol also my email is: how far along are you?
Sorry ! Not on here at all anymore ... I've lived in California most my life, came back to live with my mom and finish high school a few years back. And I don't know when I'm coming back but I sure want to!