My lo is out of formula. She uses enfamil premium but the store is out! They have Parents choice brand and it says its the same as the enfamil. Can I use it? Will it mess up her tummy?
Im in Australia so our brands are different. If you switch then it's a different combination of ingredients, it sucks that so much of our stuff is different
I had a bad experience with the Parents Choice brand. We use Enfamil Gentlease and I bought the Parents Choice version of Gentlease, but it made her tummy so upset she cried for 3 days. As soon as we got her back on the Enfamil, she was fine. I hope you have better luck than I did!!
I used parents choice soy when they would run out of his formula and didn't have a problem. We ended up buying cases at Sam's club cause it was cheaper and just the same.
@tinka1326 I hope so