Is my baby spoiled?



  • My son does the same it irritates me for,ppl to call him spoiled
  • I couldn't do almost anything for the first four months. I was ebf. My hubby did alot more than he usually does. I was thankful he was understanding. My doctors said in the beginning feed her often and whenever she wants. Go nomore than 2 hrs. Hold and snuggle as much as you can for bonding. They said the longer and more pleasant the periods you are holding the more they bond trust and develop. You can look up the different types of bonds that are produced. My husband couldn't bear to hear her cry so whatever I was doing he would take over. Don't get me wrong we still had loads of clothes. The house wasn't perfectly tended to but my baby was. You just have to say to yourself a little more mess won't kill us the baby is more important. I'll just have to get used to it it's only temporary. The baby doesn't care about mess but she does care about being held. Just get the basics done. There is plenty of time in our lives to clean. Only one chance to hold that newborn close. I always figured when she got a little older I would be able to put her down for longer but everything went so great I just couldn't do it. Then all of a sudden she stared getting interested in doing other things for a bit longer and I started getting more and more done and we got more of a schedule. I almost miss all the time we had but glad to be getting more done. I don't think you can spoil babies this young. Ignore them this is your baby and your time do what you feel is right. Chalk it up to more unwanted baby advice Lol.
  • @carriebear your doc is a rare one! Love it!
    There is last nights dinner under kitchen table and the hallway as we speak, I feel ya lol
  • Haha @bahamamama4828 I had many a dinner under the table days. Now that is my pet–peeve. I have to clean under the table before I go to bed.
  • Thanks ladies
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