OMG!! update on appt!
So I had my second appt this morning. I was literally sick to my stomach nervous!! We did the ultrasound and saw a little hb! From last af I should be 8 weeks but I measured 6 weeks 5 days. Which kinda makes sense to me cuz my cycles were a good 31 to 32 days apart. I feel alot better I go back on Feb 16. I already can't wait! If I ovulated late being a week behind makes sense right?
@hodgeslangdon I have been feeling good! A little nausea and my boobs are sore! It is all reassuring and annoying at the same time! lol. How are you feeling?
@Mrz_Jackson2anpreggo aww darn lol. I will make sure I ask next appt. I checked the Chinese gender calender and it said girl! But I know I won't know for a good while! I hope it's a girl.
As for me pregnancy is going good. Just got laid off my job which stinks. May not beable to go to ddr to see how baby is progressing until june. I still have insurance untill end of feb. I have an appt feb 7 th and I am going to try to scedule one more appt this month. I really hope and pray baby is healthy. Trying not to think about it and take things one day at a time.