Bleeding OMFG



  • Prayers up... blessings down!
  • edited February 2011
    Not sure u can make it go up
  • No sweets... i send my prayers up to the heavens... in hopes that the blessings fall down upon you and the others that are suffering during this time... I too have suffered losing a baby I wanted... it is agonizing, but with prayers from my friends and family, I got through... and am now pregnant again... it is through prayer, I was able to stay strong and was blessed again with a baby. I hope that for you, everything is fine... but I'm praying still...
  • @DawnwaarsBaby I think natalie_uk meant she's not sure you can make hCG levels go up. ;)
  • edited March 2011
    I am 5weeks and bleeding march 1st I already had implantation bleeding last thurs and fri...dr told me to lay down n bed drink water. She called my ob that was refered to and they have me down for initial visit march 15th.....if it conitinues tonight or in morning I'm to call and go in
  • @heibes... and @natalie_uk... thanks for the clarification... simple misunderstanding... wishing u the best...
  • I did miscarry last saturday ...i hope everything is fine with u and bubba x x x
  • greatest luck to you sweetie! I'll be keeping you in my prayers!
  • I went in for bloodwork levels looked low so I went in it is a waiting game to see if levels are increasing. I have been contnuing dark brown spottin
  • My blood levels doubled YEAH! She said I more than likely have a hemridge or some sort
  • @Lesliegail22 How many days were you bleeding for? I had some dark spotting for a couple days when I was 7 weeks, and the doctor told me it was implantation bleeding. Yours said it was some kind of a hemorrhage? How far along are you?
  • @heibes I'm six weeks but bleed for a total of 6days spread out over 4-6week(current week) at first they said implanation but since it came back they suspect the latter. ALSO prior to conception I was on birthcontrol that would eliminate my period all together seriously no bleeding and my nurse thinks that old blood is being washed out..WHO KNOWS I'm showing good bloodwork so I'm happy
  • I had bleeding at 6wks that was just a little but bright red with no cramps, went to the er they did bloodwork and said everything "in there" looked ok and no active bleeding. At 9wks starting gushing bright red blood with severe abdominal pain, and just knew in the back of my mind I was having a miscarriage. I was wrong, they did and ultrasound that night in the ER and we got to see little ones heartbeat. Went to OB for HCG check two days later and they did another u/s and when I saw the heartbeat was still there, I started crying!! I have a spot on my uterus that caused the bleeding, but OB wasn't overly concerned. I bled for about a week after but it was light and brown in color (old blood). I'm now 25wks and my little man is as healthy as can be! Pregnancy just throws your body for a loop!!
  • Ive been in the er twice because of bleeding but they say the baby is just fine. Im 9 weeks now and this is my third child.
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