I hate when my husband is sick!

He just shuts down, he doesn't even look sick, he's been in bed all day, as far as i'm concerned, if its not coming out of both ends then take some tylenol and get over it. He can't be lazy, its not fair. if i get sick, i dont get to take off work (i'm a sahm) and he already called into work tomorrow. Ughh, he should be glad i only get real sick once every couple years, or else there would be some issues in this house. I can gurantee nothing but throwing up is going to keep me from taking care of my baby. I'd wear a diaper if i had diaherra, ok probably not, but its just irrating. I hope lo gets my immune system!


  • My husband is the same way and i just have NO sympothy for him when hes sick... I dont get to lay around or even take a nap when im sick. Suck it up and just deal w it... This is something that i absolutley cannot stand. Lol!
  • @mommyof3girls he keeps asking me if i'm mad, i'm like really?? Ughh men, its gonna be a long day for him tomorrow, i'm going into town and leaving his ass here (even though i'm sure he'd prefer that over me staying home with s very loud amd talkative 4 month old lol)
  • Do we all have the same hubby???? Seriously lol. Mine is the same way, a complete big baby. I don't get to lay around.
  • For real! My daughter and I had a stomach bug Friday night and all day Saturday. Friday night I still had to take care of my three month old, while hubby took care of our daughter. I did appreciate that he did take care of her, but now he is sick and he can't do anything. This fool acts like he is on deaths door. Excuse me I was breastfeeding in between bathroom trips all night and I still don't feel great cuz I am so sore. Not to mention that he is a total hypochandriac and makes himself"sick" every single time I actually am sick.

    Sorry to rant, but I was just about to make a thread like this!
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