holy gymnastic baby!!!!

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
Oh my goodness this baby is doing flips, jumping jacks, and somersaults!! Its painful! I was laying on the couch bc I've been sooo exhausted, and he has been moving constantly ALL day. He happened to move and holy **** it hurt so bad! It literally feels like he is using my bladder as a punching bag...and it hasn't stopped for about an hour. Is this normal?! Bc my 2 year old wasn't this bad!


  • Yes! My daughter had her days like this also.
  • edited February 2012
    Oh ok, at least its normal...I just feel like I gotta pee every 2 seconds bc he is squishing my bladder:(
  • My son beat the crap outa me when I was pregnant :( Sorry you're getting used as a punching bag.
  • Omg u made me miss being prago thats not a gd thing cause im not ready for another
  • @Frantastic thx:) I really thoughtor should say pictured that little dancing baby and a bladder and him punching it like a punching bag...it kinda made me laugh bc that's what it seems my little Logan is doing.
    @Roxy I missed it too, my son is two now and I am not sure how I forgot all the pains of pregnancy but am now def starting to remember, lol. Even tho my 2 year was never this bad. My friend is due around the same time and is also having her third...she said this one is diff too. Her OB said its the third pregnancy curse?! Lol, what a way to put it but it does seem the third is harder. I'm also gonna be 35 so maybe age isn't helping.
  • @sehra4177 how far are you? I woke up this morning and my little girl was doing the same! I think I have a cheerleader in there!
  • @CAllen I'm 32weeks, lol that's cute a little cheerleader:) he has calmed down from last night tho...I have a baby shower today for my sis she is due two weeks before me...so I'm hoping he stays calm bc I don't want to be going to the bathroomevery 5 mins at this shower lol
  • I thought my son was bad (he's now 3) but this boy I'm carrying now is no joke! I seriously think he never sleeps lol. I was due yesterday so I'm hoping he'll decide to come out so I can stop wincing and groaning from being beat up
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  • @sehra4177 I'm 33 weeks four days..due March 27th!
  • @Outlaw_Sphinx Yeh I wonder when this child sleeps bc I always feel him moving.
    @ArmahnisMommy could be tryin to get out lol. I know he is head down, so he is getting ready. My 2 year old didn't turn til 3 days before he was born...so at least this one is starting to get ready lol. @CAllen cool, so you are close too...my sis is due Mar 21.
  • Yes, both of my boys were like that and still are. My three year old has tons of energy and is constantly moving. My five month is always moving unless he is sleeping. It is not in a bad way but it can get irritating, sometimes it is like just sit still with me, and my five month old just sits on your lap and is constantly figeting
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