what to do about a clingy breastfed baby??!!

edited February 2012 in Ages & Stages
my lo is 3.5 months& cries when other ppl hold her especially at night time.my bfs mom is really hurt that she cries when she holds her & hinted that she wants me to stop bf, which isnt going to happen bcuz it makes her clingy. but what can I do? its been going on for awhile & seems like its getting worse.i didnt isolate her she has been around ppl especially bf mom from day one!! she holds her all the time & plays with her but idk what to do! its getting out of hand ppl are starting to say oh if only you werent fussy! :( should I let bf mom watch her& just let her cry? (no one does cry it out method if she cries someone is holding her) I want others to enjoy her too she is surrounded by so much ppl who love her & want to hold her this cannot go on.


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  • Don't stop bf unless you want to! My oldest was like that too and it can be very stressful dealing with other people and sometimes when you need a break. Hang in there though, it does get better and they do out-grow it. She's now a perfectly healthy and happy 7 year old!
  • I cant wait to move out either, I love the help bcuz there is always someone to hold her if I need to shower but I cant have her crying all the time! we all hate when she cries, thats why we need to figure out what to do about this clingyness!
  • edited February 2012
    Don't give up BFing just to make others happy. Some babies are just like that. They.go through these phases. Its a bit stressing and frustrating but she'll stop one day
  • isnt there a way I can bf without herbeing clingy? @momof4gregory
  • My lo did that but shes all better now :). But part of it is bc I give her breastmilk in a bottle now bc I'm getting ready to go back to work and daddy wanted to b able to help more. But I would never stop bf just bc of that don't worry ur lo will grow out if it when time is right :)
  • @kayleigh27im not going to stop but I need to fix this clingyness.
  • @jules I think bm in a bottle helps but his mom just wants to give her formula when she watches her... so I think im just going to have to let her watch her so she knows grama watches herjust as well as mommy does
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  • Noooooo lol force her to give her bm. Gosh wat kind of mil would encourage.formula over bm that's horrible
  • My 2 year old wasn't breast fed & he was the same way. I agree with @HomeBirthAdvocate, some babies are just like that.
  • edited February 2012
    Yes I have a high needs baby too :)
  • My 5 mo is very high needs as well. She has an "all about me" complex. Lol. I feel bad for my 2 year old.
  • Yeah I agree with above my first two were formula fed and my daughter wasn't clingy but my son was very clingy. He didn't grow out of it till he was almost 2 years Old lol. My youngest who is 7 weeks old is bf and she's kind of clingy. She will let everyone hold her for a while then when she starts fussing and i take her she's fine lol
  • I have a high maintenance LO as well ...lol he also has an instant gratification problem...if he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it, he will go from 0 to pissed off in 2.4 seconds ! Lol
  • Lol @ashley_smashley! That sounds so much better than the Diva complex I've diagnosed my daughter with!!!!
  • edited February 2012
    Don't stop breastfeeding!!! I'm boobie power all the way (no homo lol) but she'll grow out of it cause that's how my daughter was even at that age with my mom but she grew out of it and loves my mom...I give her to her when I can't get her calm lol
  • lol everybody. I cant tag everyone but thanks I guess we just got to get thru this. I was seriously hoping you guys knew some secret weapon tricks tho! lol
  • I think thats good idea too, and I'm sure we all wish we had secrets for a lot of things when it comes to our lo.
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