Amnio advice. Please i'm scared

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
I got a call today from the hospital to say that the results of the quad test show that my baby is at high risk of downs. Apparently it's a 1 in 45 chance. I have an appointment to go to the hospital to see about an amniocentesis but the literature says there is a 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage. I am so scared. My husband is being really supportive and he says the decision is up to me. I just think there is a 44 in 45 chance that my baby is fine so should I take the miscarriage risk. I had a miscarriage this time last year and don't think I could go through it again. I'm 17 weeks today and really don't know what to do. Please give me some advice. I'm scared xxx


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  • Those tests are not that accurate. Dud they explain that?
    Its OK don't worry and good luck!
  • Ps I never had the quad test with any of my kids :) they are fine
  • With my son the way the genetic specialist put it was:
    if the test comes back positive do you want to terminate the pregnancy?
    Yes-do the test
    no-no test
  • I know that must be scary! I'm not going to tell you not to worry, because that is impossible and what we pregnant women do best! But I will tell you that my sister was positive on that same test and many of her friends were too- and they all had perfectly healthy babies. None of them had the amniocentesis test done, except one and she almost lost her baby because of it. Don't do the amnio! Just know that getting the amnio done will not fix any issue if there is one- it will only cause risk to your child. Regardless of what you choose to do I pray that the outcome is a healthy baby!
  • I totally agree wit navea828
  • When I was pregnant with my son my test came back abnormal I can't remember what the Medical term was but basically I was told my son had a small chance of survival and if he did he'd be slow my numbers were 1/25 so I was sent to get a more in depth ultrasound and amnio but I refuse to do the amnio they said we would start off with the ultrasound and if anything looked abnormal then I would be asked again to see if I would want to do the amniocentesis. I didn't want to do it A)cause I was afraid of miscarrying especially since the year before I lost a lil girl at 22 weeks. Long story short my ultrasound came back good and I know have a healthy 8month old. Good luck on your appointment I hope your baby is healthy and its just a false alarm.
  • I wouldn't do the amniocentesis. The quad test could be wrong. It happens a lot and its even in the pamphlet they should have given you. I'm very glad you researched it!
  • My 8 year old came back the same. I was scared...I did have the amnio bc we were gonna keep her no matter what but I wanted to be prepared. I can tell you now...I wouldn't do it again, bc she is absolutely fine the smartest girl I know:) It was crazy painful and I did it more bc I wasn't given enough info. The ob I went to wasn't the greatest and the Dr pretty much no tactic on explaining things. With my son and current pregnancy I opted to not do the quad. I was told at the 20 week ultrasound they could pretty much see if the baby would have any signs of downs. So if you are planning to keep the baby either way I wouldn't do the amnio...the worst thing I ever did and I cried during it bc they had her on the ultrasound screen and I could literally see the needle inside and her pulling away from it...absolutely horrible. Knowing what I do now...never again!
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  • edited February 2012
    My results were 1 in 25. I know someone who had an amnio and was positive for Down's Syndrome and needless to say she is 7 years old now and is perfectly healthy. My husband's friend had an amnio, got infection and a perfectly healthy baby boy died. I didn't get an amnio and my daughter is perfect! I also vowed not to have those tests done again when I get pregnant, all they compute is risk...worthless.
  • I'm almost 24 but my mom had an amnio done with me and they said I had spina bifida and would be a vegetable, never walk, talk, etc. I have nothing and am perfectly normal. God is in control :-) I'm praying for you and I don't blame your stress. I have a 6 month old little girl and am 16 weeks pregnant also. All we can do is pray.
  • edited February 2012
    Dont do the Amnio its better to wait ull love ur baby eithr way :-)
  • Thanks everyone. I think I had made my mind up already. Your comments and advice have really helped. I've got my appointment at half 3 today so i'll let you all know how I got on xxxx fingers crossed xxxx
  • Hun dnt do it.... when my sister was pregnant with my niece the Dr told her that she was going to b born with down syndrome and to get that test dont..and once they explained to her the risks she said no because the Dr said you can have a miscarriage or that Baby can b born brain dead so she said no that if that's what God has in plan for her she accepts it. God wont give u something you can't handle. when my niece was born she was normal she had no down syndrome. imagine if my sister would of done that test and something would of happened to my niece.. my advice dont do it just wait and see when your baby is born a baby is a blessing regardless...
  • If I was given a high result I would have, I dont think I would have been prepared to terminate but I would have wanted to be prepared for a special needs child
  • I agree with steph_due_101611 u have to ask urself that question. They wanted me to do bunch of risky testing for my baby bc I have epilepcy the whole time they wanted to do that test and many others they just told me there were risks for miscariage that was enough for me. Plus I knew no matter what I would keep my baby so it doesn't mater. They said she could have lots if things which included downs and cleft pallet. And not only does she not have any of the things they thought she might. Shes beautiful, perfectly healthy, and was super easy pregnancy, super easy delivery, very easy recovory (i was having sex after 1 week and back to my work out routine after 3 weeks ), and now shes an amazing baby even her doc said that for her age which is 2 months shes developing fast :). I wouldn't stress over it but u know yourself best and you have to ask urself that question and fallow your heart. Good luck keep us updated.
  • I did it and it was the worst mistake ever!!! It hurt so bad and wasn't worth it!!!! My daughter is fine!!! If I could go back and change having it done I would! I was I'm so much pain and with her being ok I should of just went with my gut feeling and not did it but my ex wanted it done. It's your choice but I personally wouldn't do it.
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