Gatorade working for anyone?

edited February 2012 in Breastfeeding
Is the gatorade helping anyones supply? I have a hard time drinking it because its so salty. I feel like it might even be hurting my supply. Dont know why because it actually makes me drink more water. Am I doing something wrong?


  • I don't like gatorade for the same reason so I decided to try vitamin water, that seems to really work for me.maybe u should try somethin else like powerade or vitamin water and see if that helps at all.
  • It seemed like at first day it was but now I don't see a change
  • Helped me a lot!
  • If you don't like Gatorade try pedyalite or homebirthadvocate suggested a drink called recharge.
  • It didnt seem to work for me until I changed when I drank it. I started drinking it near bed time but no luck. Then I started drinking it during the day and upped my other fluids at night (juice, water) and it seemed to work
  • It works for me. I drink it throughout the day along with other fluids.
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  • edited February 2012
    Gatorade's G2 is the 'leaned out' version. It is lower in calories and sodium and tastes exactly the same. That's what i drink and i think it definitely helps. I sip on one throughout the day in addition to water and then half of another right before bed.
  • I drink G2 as well. It doesn't have the salty taste.
  • Thanks ladies. I will try G2 and vitamin water.
  • I drink it throughout the day. I think it helps.
  • I also drink the G2. :)
  • edited February 2012
    I drInk g2 too. The fierce strawberry m melon taste the best...normally I don't drink Gatorade because of the taste but I'm getting used to it. At first I thought it was helping but idk anymore. I think it stopped me from losing weight tho lol I been stuck at this same weight since I started drinking it
  • I got a whole case, drink one almost every day, have about 6 left and havent noticed a damn thing. Also taking fenugreek for well over 2 weeks and havent noticed a thing either.. Still hand expressing barely 5ml each session. Bs.. depressing as hell. Ill probably end up giving up. Something is not working and its really pissing me off....
  • I've noticed a difference. I drink the g2 raspberry melon...yummy. The fenugreek was making my baby gassy.
  • As a mom who does both breastfeeding and formula (baby wasn't gaining weight, but I'm not wanting to give up nursing), I've noticed an increase in my supply. Today I drank 60oz of it and nursed an extra time in the middle of the day...tonight, my boobs hurt and they haven't hurt in a few weeks. I will be nursing her in a bit as she has no desire to fall asleep and it is a sure bet she will if she's on the boob. :)
  • @jessannengland I feel your pain! It's soon depressing! I can't pump anything and I only hand express a few drops. My lo will suck..but not nurse. She just does that really light sucking that you can barely feel!
  • @ta2edblondie i was just exclusively pumping for a whole month trying to get my supply up before i nursed and it never did so then i nursed a few times & he hurt me & now i cant pump or nurse because i have to heal for a few weeks & can only express.
  • Noone told me i was doing it backwards.. the hospital i gave birth at sucked bad. They knew i wasnted to bf and introduced a bottle and binky anyway.. he could never latch right.. even with the nipple sheild we always had problems then about a week ago he latched to my left side without a sheild just fine and that was it.
  • Im pretty much done. Nothing ive done has worked so i obviously cant do nurse or produce milk for some reason..
  • Cant nurse or produce***
  • @Mimii36 Im sorry:( I know what youre going through. It really sucks. I hope you get your supply up mama!
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