Prescription to increase supply
I refuse to give up. Ever since I went back to work almost 2mos ago, my supply has been dropping. I took fenugreek n saw OK results. I then switched to More Milk Plus n didn't really see a change. I'm wondering if I'm getting immune to the herbs so I'm goin back to fenugreek/blessed thistle n upping the dosage starting today. I'm also nursing him more often when I'm home. My lo eats 4oz every 3 hrs n he's almost 4 months. Is that enough? I'm not even producing 4oz total when I pump now Who has taken a prescription to increase their supply? I've read bad stories about reglan. What's the other drug and what's the dosage (like mg)???
There is no miracle pill and the risks outweigh the benefits which is why these doctors do not like to prescribe them now. Reglan causes tardive dyskinesia and it is a HORRIBLE horrible side effect that is permanent and debilitating.
@homebirthadvocate @captivated ty for your feedback I always appreciate your advice
@three_cats_n_a_baby yep the midwife was telling me tons of fluids, not all water, and that the sodium in Gatorade would help prevent 'water toxemia' or something like that (although rare) if I was taking in too much water
@catben that's exactly what I wanted to know. I'm going to give this another week or so of extra nursing + increased fenugreek. The domperidone is my last resort. Thx for including that site. I was also planning on buying online but was having trouble locating a site that looked secure/legit
@Jules yea I'm pretty bummed but I also heard that it can be psychological too. So I'm going to try to stay positive n not stress too hard about it. Ill let you know how this all goes. I'm not going to stop anyway unless I stop producing all together. I just need to get back to & to maintain what he's eating while I'm away and increase it a bit more.