bet you won't see Chelsea Handler the same again..


  • Honestly.. I don't care what others do with their lives:) .
  • Well I'm pro choice so I won't comment on the abortion part.
    Anyway...I'm not suprised the she would admit something like this. Chelsea Handler is a VERY outspoken woman.
  • teen mom SHOULD show other choices. I like this article
  • I'm not completely against abortion.. I definatly think that the pregnant woman should make the decision without pressure from others, tho. (16 or not, she chose to do the deed, she should have to live with the consequences of her choice [to carry or abort] without being able to pass the blame off to someone else.) I was upset by the fact that her parents basically told her she wouldn't be successful if she chose to have the baby. Teenage girls who get pregnant need to see all the options, yes, I agree. But hearing from someone like Chelsea that you can't be successful if you have a kid young isn't a good option, in my opinion. It might be a little harder to obtain the level of success, but teen mothers don't always end up struggling or in a bad situation. This is the part that upsets me.
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  • I have to agree with @armahnismommy so many people won't talk about their experiences with being pregnant young and making the choice that's best for them. We need more candid discussions about touchy subjects in order to educate people so they make the right choices for THEM whatever choice that is!
  • edited March 2012
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  • I personally could never get an abortion but if someone knows they r not ready because of her age at least she can be honest about it now.
  • At the end of the day, what chelsea handler does (or any stranger for that matter), doesn't affect my life so I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. Just saying.
  • I'm against abortions for any reason, but people have them everyday so I'm not sure what the shocker is here?? I don't look at her any differently as I do those that have had abortions...I'll just keep my mouth closed and leave things peacefully!
  • Ive always loved chelsea handler & this doesnt change that. Its not for me, or anyone to judge what another person chooses for their life. I dont see why I would all of a sudden not like her because of a choice she made at 16yrs old, and the article also states it was pretty much her parents choice
  • There actually was a episode of 16 n pregnant where a couple who was on the show had a daughter and she got pregnant again and decided to abort. it was that black girl and white boy with dreads. They showed it as a special with dr drew
  • She was young, and did it not for selfishness. Her reason is legit. I don't like it when women do it just to do it. Or for selfishhhhhhh reasons.
  • If you watch After Lately, you know she talks about her abortion all the time. It might have a sarcastic undertone to it, but I think it was tough on her, or maybe she wouldn't bring it up as much as she does. I've only watched her show for a couple years, and I've heard her talk about it several times. I think it was a lesson learned. Abortion isn't for me, as I struggle to have term pregnancies and have had MC after MC, but I absolutely support a woman's right to choose. If she isn't using it as a means of BC, I don't see the issue with it.
  • HER choice.........
  • I agree with her choice actually
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