I think I have the biggest 4mnth old ever!
My daughter was born oct19th weighing a whoping 9lbs and 15.4 ounces. She now weighs 22 lbs and is 28 inches long! I'm very concearned with her weight she is soooo chuncky. My dr doesn't seemed concearned but thinks I may be over feeding her. I honestly don't believe I am. She drinks 6 ounces every 3 hrs and sleeps all night. I've been looking at all the babies weights on other posts and she's huge compaired. Should I be so worried?
on his four month check up he was at 20lbs and hes now 27inches long they told me he was a lil bit over weight then most 4 month olds but she told me not to be concerned because hes just long. so idk? maybe shes okay because long
but she sure is chunker
mine came out 12:16 P.M
7 pounds 4 ounces. 21 inches long
He's about to.be one and weighs 22 pounds and 31 inches long.