Ugh! Can we PLEASE have a block button!?!



  • Sorry if I misunderstood you @fate. You had said people should act like caring adults. If someone wasn't caring, then acting would in turn really be pretending in my mind.
  • @captivated yup! You hit the nail on the head lol! I'm nice to strangers mostly though. I'm a complete smartass to my husband he hates it. People I know would never debate me.
    I'm thinking about law school actually instead, my lawyer friend told me I should. I busted my mil, sil and their friends ass in court :D
  • @bahamamama4828, exactly! I am debating law school as well.
  • PS I did most of my attorneys work, I meant to say
  • @bahamamama4828, I did as well. Literally all of it. She spoke. Lol.
  • We used to have a like button, way back in the day, didn't we??

    Oh what I'd give for a "You deserve a high five to the face" button... 8->
  • Why the hell would they be here if they weren't caring? Not caring is selfish. If they are here and don't care, then they should kick rocks. Pregly has been nice when the people who do care post.
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  • Not un-caring in general. No one can "not care" about anything and everything. I meant not caring for certain topics or people. I don't have truly "caring" feelings for people I don't know through a computer screen, though I have gotten to know a few that I care about. That's just blunt honesty. I come here for the advice, to give advice and for discussion on different issues. Some ladies' situations on here suck and I feel bad for them, but at the end of the night when I go to sleep? I'm not thinking about them. I'm thinking about my own problems and my children and family. When I am with patients, I care for them, but it's the same thing. I don't go to bed thinking of them. So if there is a person here that posts or says something that I find to be stupid or immature, I'm not going to sugar coat anything. I am kind the majority of the time, but if I don't have the kindness in me at the moment, I'm not going to act like it. That would round this back to my original statement in that I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not, or act kind if I don't feel the situation calls for it.

    Just my opinion!
  • I can think of a few people on here who it might be lol but yeah just try to "ignore" them :)
  • 100% agree with you @captivated
  • That's not even what I said at all...
  • Then what did you mean by "or people can just act like caring adults"? I'm not being a smartass, just asking you to elaborate.

    I went off on a small tangent mainly unrelated to your post anyways, lol. It reminded me of other posts from earlier today. So it wasn't really aimed toward you at all. @fate
  • I wasn't saying to go home and bake anyone a dang cake. It really doesn't matter. You're going to attack and pick apart anything I elaborate on anyways with your "blunt honesty" that I never asked you for.
  • ::sigh:: How many times must we go over the same thing on the forum regarding opinions that we never ask for? By posting up a statement or question, you are opening up yourself to responses by anyone reading no less than a celebrity opens themselves up for constant badgering by paparazzi.

    I apologize if my responses are not something you agree with or like to hear, but I'm just as entitled to post as anyone else here, asked for or not.
  • edited March 2012
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  • Oh look! An emoticon! ::claps hands:: Very clever :-))
  • The "I can't come up with anything profound to say and to avoid making repeated grammatical errors, I shall insert an emoticon instead and then edit it to add more emoticons," post. Thank you for the laugh @armahnismommy. Your simpleminded posts entertain me on quiet nights such as these.
  • Well, I'm not a celebrity and like you said before "we can be mature mothers and ignore the posts". I didn't say you couldn't post.. You know what? I've never been this way on the forum, that's because I care. But enough is enough. I'm going to go about my business and continue enjoying my vacation. You can go patronize girls all you want. I'll end my thoughts on this with a ::fuck you:: :)
  • Well, Crap. Now this discussion will be closed instead of taken seriously. Guess nothing will ever change around here.
  • That was very kind of you. Thank you. I think you may need an e- >:D<

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  • @drgonzo523, I apologize. However, I won't allow someone to come at me for an opinion and not defend myself. Seems like it is "only post if you agree with anyone and disagreements are not allowed. Then if you disagree with me, I shall insult you and then be upset when you defend yourself." I do not patronize until someone pointedly insults me.
  • @captivated just ignore it they did the same crap to me yesterday. they cant except the fact that we're not gonna sit down and take their BS. they flip flop and hate on you when you dont agree with them, and yet their the same ones that said you have the right to your opinnion.

    This forum is turning into something other then trying to help out preggo people and new mothers. If there not gonna help people then leave them be or get out.

    Their ruining this forum for the rest of us actually seaking help about pregnancy & new motherhood.

  • Ladies, what's going on? I usually just ignore posts that I don't have any comment on or know that it may come off judgmental bc not EVERY post needs to have someone's two cents. We don't need a block button, we don't need moderators to hold our hands...what we as women/mothers need to do is excercise self editing, enable personal ignore triggers and an inner ability to laugh and acknowledge hey I don't need to have the last word. Some of the time and energy needs to be redirected back to our CHILDREN. I'm not preaching but seriously we need to get it together bc this forum is like a soap opera. Not any of the other forums I am apart of needs to have ppl deleted, I don't see the women attacking one another, and they sure aren't blocking new registration. It's like high school mean girls in here...and ppl do and entertain the bs in my opinion bc their bored. Now sit back, light your imaginary (or not so imaginary) spliff and fucking relax! have a great night :p
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  • Kumba yaaaaaaa!
  • Darn, but I must always have the last word! It is my sole purpose of being. :-(

    Lol, I agree.
This discussion has been closed.