Bassinet or a Crib? ...which is better?

edited March 2012 in Pregnant
I can't really decide on which I wanna buy for my baby.
The Cribs seem to big for the baby.
While the Bassinet seems to be to small and doesn't seem like it'll last long.
Cribs seem way to expensive and are harder to put together while Bassinet's that i've seen are all seeming to sell at a reasonable cheap price. :-D

I can't decide.
Any suggestions? 8->
I sound extremely picky I know ;-)


  • I use both, bassinet at night by me and crib for naps so she will get used to it when i am ready to move her in her own room. I got the bassinet for my baby shower though from my hubs step mom. I got a great deal on our crib from wal mart.
  • Oh great ideas thanks!
  • We used a bassinet (And mommys arms) for 5 months and then transitioned then to the crib....
  • I have both. His bassinet on and off, but mostly in bed with mommy and daddy! for the past week though we've switched him to his crib cold turkey and its worked out well.
  • I use a pack n play in my room, with tge
    Bassinet piece in it. I did the same for both my kids, its way easier than a bassinet and wont grow out of it and left bulky than a crib. Its great for going places for the night too, my 2.5yo still sleeps in his at nannys house
  • forgot to answer usefully---start out with a bassinet, it'll last a good 4-5 months IMO, unless you plan to cosleep, get the crib later on. Even a pack n of both world
  • I was fortunate enough to get my sister's bassinet bc her twins are one now and she gave me one of them. I also had a pack and play bc my son is only 2 and kept it for traveling. My son also just successfully started in his toddler bed and we have a crib. But going on past experience with both other kids, neither liked the bassinet and wouldn't sleep right in it. I mean waking up every hour or so. As soon as I moved them to the crib they slept really good. I know some people who's kids love the bassinet. You really don't use it long at all. It seems weird bc the crib is so big but I really got over it bc they slept so much better. My pack and play is also the mini one- just a it smaller than the bigger size so I also used that and it came with a bassinet type thing that you can put in it. So maybe doing that bc its one price and that way you won't pay for both. Also, they are great to have around, last yr our heat went out and we all had to sleep in our room (bc our room is an addition and has an electric heater until the landlord came to fix it. Wow what a lifesaver:) Also, we go to a cottage every yr in the woods and it comes in handy for traveling.
  • You have to get a crib because your baby will eventually outgrow the bassinet. I recommend the graco pack n play with the newborn napper instead of a bassinet. My daughter loved that, and we will be make to use the pack n play for a long time.
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  • I use both. he has his crib in his room & playpen/bassinet is right next to me & daddy's bed. I like him to be close to us at night so he sleeps in the room with us at night in his bassinet. during the day, for naps, he sleeps in his room in his crib. Around maybe 10 months I'll start sleeping him in his room at night. There are some small bassinets...but there are also playpens that are bassinets as well & are quite a bit larger. Thats what I use, pricing varies, mine was around the $150 range. & as far as putting the crib was a piece of cake! I put it together by myself at 8months preggo and it took less than an hr :)
  • I use a crib. Have with both my boys. My mom bought it for my oldest for $300 but it converts to a toddler bed, then full size headboard and footboard. It was very easy to put together. I did it myself both times at 8 months prego
  • I use a crib and have since birth. I also got one that turns into a toddler bed and full size
  • I use a pack n play and bought the matress for it.
  • I have a small bassinet a larger one and a crib
  • You should try pack n play much easier to use and it last for years at least til 3...
  • It just depends on what you will be doing with baby. Breastfeeding? Bassinet or playpen can be very helpful so you can just roll over and pick them up at night. I used a bassinet until 4 months and then moved him to his crib...BD and I needed our room and privacy back ;)
  • I had a bassinet but my son was big even at birth (9.8 pounds) so he grew out if it at two months. Then we got this thing called a co-sleeper. It's similar to a pack n play but smaller and taller and it attaches to the bed. So he is sleeping at arms level and right next to me without actually being in bed with me. We also have a crib but just because my in laws bought it. I try to put him in his crib for naps during the day.
  • Try bassinet for now, my daughter has both, but since I breastfeed her we co-sleep easy for both of us.
  • edited March 2012
    @mom2ing lol! Is that what a cribs for? Mine held laundry. I had both but never used them until close to a yr
  • I had both
  • @Mom2ING does your daughter still use the crib. It is a good way of storage for other things specially if your planning on having another baby. Well until the other baby comes. Gives me ideas lol.
  • I highly reccommend the crib, we used the bassinet for about two weeks and that was it, he liked to fling his arms out when he slept and he likes to be spread out, and he always hit the sides of the bassinet and would scream from it. He loves his crib, they may seem big at first but the baby grows sooo quickly, and my 6 month old is all over that crib at night he rolls and scoots around in his sleep. Plus you will have to get a crib once they are older unless you want your 1 year old sleeping in your bed every night (bad habit to start IMO) and they wont be big enough for a toddler bed I would think until a year and a half, we put my oldest in one at about 20 months.
  • We used the bassinet in the beginning but she grew out of it fast. She was out of it within like 2 months. So after she out grew that, we moved her into a pack n play. She was in that till a couple days ago, she could still sleep in it, but we decided since she has been sleeping through the night it was time to put her in her own room, in her crib. She is 4 months old.
  • edited March 2012
    We are using a pack n play and a mattress with the bassinet, way cheaper and takes up a lot less space.
  • Thanks ladies!
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