Oh for heavens sake...

So I posted a question earlier on here about ovulation and progesterone levels. I also posted the same question (copied and pasted) to Cool Beans and another mommy group.... well the other mommy group had 2 ladies that asked me what CD1 is. Really? I mean, I know there are a lot of acronyms... but CD is a VERY COMMON one!!! And then they proceeded to tell me about Clomid and give me "helpful" websites to look at for info... B**** read the question!!! I am in no way shape or form asking what Clomid does! I specifically asked a question about progesterone levels and ovulation! UGH!!!! DONT ANSWER IF YOU'RE GONNA BE DUMB!!!! That's my philosophy... Vent over.... Sigh. Back to Google I go...


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  • @armahnismommy right... teaches me to try and branch out!!! haha. It irritated the piss outa me though!!!
  • Honestly? Im sure they were just trying to help.
  • I don't know what CD1 is and I'm by no means dumb. You should be asking your doctor that stuff anyway if you want educated answers.
  • I have no clue what CD1 means.....:/
  • @starrxoxo9 Idk either! Lol
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  • @mszcastillo, my thoughts exactly...

    @ceegsmommy75, me either! When I wanted a baby, I just had sex...not everyone knows about TTC things.
  • oh goodness, don't get upset. I am in no way meaning to call any of you dumb. But on a TTC post, CD is typical... And like @armahnismommy said, if they didn't understand the question, ask... don't just grab words out of the question and make a NEW question. @captivated @mom2ing @mszcastillo @ceegsmommy75 I'm very happy that ya'll can just have sex and get preggo. And yes honestly... I fully understand that they were trying to help... but they didn't READ the question. Don't spout off random sh*t just to post something... that does nothing but frustrate someone who is looking for REAL info. And not everyone can have good doctors that will patiently sit down and answer questions. My doc says "Well maybe you ovulated... wait and see. If you test positive then don't worry about progesterone levels".... OKAY.... First of all, very low progesterone levels have been linked to miscarriages. YEP, CHECK! Had one 2 months ago. Not trying to go thru it again. So EITHER WAY I'm very concerned about the low levels!

    Now did any of that have ANYTHING to do with clomid? did you see a question in there asking what clomid was? No. That means I'm not ASKING wtf clomid is and I don't want that info. I am looking for HELP.
  • Sigh... sorry for the rant... sort of. I'm SO frustrated with this whole trying to have a baby before i turn friggin 50. (Im only 27... but clock is ticking) I've been trying for 2 years. I can't find a doc that gives a flying f*ck. And I can't seem to get all the info I need to ensure a successful pregnancy.
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  • I also wanna make it very clear that i was polite to these women. I thanked them for their input and i moved onto the next forum looking for better answers.
  • Okay, random idea. Totally off topic of.your original question, but you have tricare if you're military, no? Or is it something different? Because civilian docs accept tricare, too. You just have to look. And if that's not the issue, ignore me. :) I just really wish you could see my doc. She's 100% on board with any tests I want and will prescribe the progesterone suppositories when I get pregnant again. You could always just call your doc and ask for them anyway. :)
  • My doc is of the opinion they don't help or hinder. And yeah tricare... But in order to get OFF base I have to get a referral and they're sooooo stingy about those here for some reason. It's ridiculous. @rtmommy I've switched docs on base already but they all have the same mind set :( I'm gonna have to fight for a civilian doc soon.
  • @redshadoe I think if you switch to tricare standard rather than prime you can see civilian docs...but the downside to standard is you have co pays. I hope you find a better doc soon! I can't stand my air force doc either!
  • edited March 2012
    I just feel like this: if you think your care is any less than excellent, go somewhere else. I've changed docs many times because of that reason. I don't give any of my patients shit care or less than my best, and I won't accept it from my docs either. If your doc is of the mindset it neither hurts nor helps, what is there to lose in letting you have it? My doc doesn't think it does much either, but she's willing to try for me after two mcs in a row. You deserve great care. Especially being someone who works military. I think it's crap they use that as an excuse not to be better.

    End rant. But seriously, advocate for yourself. I can tell you're a strong woman, so don't let her placate you. :)
  • @ashley_smashly can active duty switch???? @kristaf22 @rtmommy I guess its worth a shot... My doc is hard to convince, friggin army major that is set in her ways. But I can't go anywhere off base without tricares permission otheriwse they won't pay for it. I've gotta get that referral somehow.
  • And thank you ladies... I had to vent cause I feel cornered. I'll see if I can work around tricare somehow...
  • It sucks to feel powerless. Vent away, hon. :)
  • @kristaf22 His sperm count is fine. I had to have a polyp removed in June. I've done all kinds of blood work for hormone counts and APPARENTLY they're not worth telling me the results on. I had to pry the progesterone levels out of the doc. What scares me about going on standard is I've NEVER had to pay copays... been military my entire adult life, parents covered me before that. I have NO clue what to expect or what is normal or acceptable.
  • Just wanna add... U have rights to ALL of ur files. ;) good luck.
  • Thank you ladies. I hadn't thought of getting copies of records.
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