When do you stop burping your lo?

edited March 2012 in Babies
My lo is 4 months and for the past few days she will not burp after her bottles. Is there a time when you can stop burping babies?


  • Aadyn is almost 4 months. I havent burped him in about a month. Like yours, he just stopped burping all of a sudden. I would try so long to get him to burp, that he'd spit up a large part of his bottle so I stopped. Id say as long as your lo doesnt seem to have tummy troubles without it, its fine. Jmo
  • If your lo cried like mom2ing's baby, then I would keep doing it, but aadyn never had any problems when I stopped. I waited much longer to stop burping my first son though
  • @Mom2ing
    yea she doesn't seem to be having any stomach pains so far and I haven't gotten her to burp but once in two days. I just didn't know if their was a specific age when I needed to stop. Thank you ladies.
  • When they sit up... Or if you have an excersaucer thing you could always put her in there and eventually the burp well come out on its own!
  • My daughter is almost 11 months, and still burps, but she does it herself LOL. She will take the bottle out herself and just sort of sit there until it comes out then "BELLLLCH" hahaha.
  • When they start sitting straight they normally do it themselves :)
  • I stopped at 3 mnths I think, she burps on her own lol
  • My daughters burped on her own from day one. But i still burp her shes 3 months
  • I stopped at around 3-4 months unless he fussed and needed to burp :)
  • I stopped burping my daughter when she started burping herself.
    During or directly after her bottle's she burps, and it's adorable :)
  • My lo burps herself..but I still try, I usually stop trying after a few minutes. Someone told me as long as its from either end she is ok..like if she happened to fart instead of hurl that was ok to..as long as gas was being passed. Idk how true that is, but just thought I'd throw that out there.
  • Burp not hurl
  • I stopped when she was 3months , she burps a lot on her own :)
  • I still burp Riley, sometimes he does one, sometimes he doesn't! He is coming up to 5 months
  • I stopped when she started to sit by herself... But if its one of those cases where I'm extra engorged because she slept extra that day or she ate more table.food and missed a feeding ... Then I'll burp because the milk is coming out way faster and there's also a lot more to over feed.r
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