when can i put my baby in a big boy tub & shopping cart?

edited March 2012 in Babies
my lil boy is 6 months old hes getting to big for his infant tub and i want to start putting him in the big boy tub he can sit on his own real good but he does fall back every now and then is okay if i start putting him in it? and can i start sitting him in a cart on his own? and also a highchair at a resturant?


  • They have those infant seats for the tub that sit baby up better if you're more comfortable with that. :)
  • When he can sit up without being too wobbly. We started my daughter at 7months.
  • @EiralynnesMommy okay thank you!!
    wasnt sure if i was starting him late on that
    but yeah hes a bit wobbly still
  • ayvas been taking a bath in the big peoples tub since she was 2months old. i just laid a towel down for her to lay on. shes 7months now and sits on a towel in the tub, just make sure you are by his side, ayva gets a little excited and falls backwards too. and she does good in the highchairs at restaraunts, but shopping carts is still a little awkward for her. i bought one of those shopping cart things and they seem to help a little, but shes been doing good without it lately.
  • she starting sitting up in the tub at around 6months as well
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