What has a yucky taste to you?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so im on my way to babysit and I got me a bagel with cream cheese and it tastes so weirdddd its hard to explain. Ughhh this so has threw me off! :( now im eating it just because its all I have right now


  • edited March 2011
    I hate when I want something & then get disappointed :( Boo. I used to eat chicken strips for lunch a lot, just the throw in the oven kind, & now the thought, look, smell, & taste of them disgust me. I'll probably never buy them again. Seriously.
  • Ugg burger king! They have a habbit of giving me soggy buns! Soo gross!
  • Chocolate tastes awful to me now which is not cool lol
  • I used to love pizza before I was pregnant. Now it makes me gag and I always end up throwing up. But weirdly I always have a craving for stuffed crust. Lol
  • @mommy2audreyOhhh nooo soggy buns! Ewwww lol I would be upset at that too. Lol
  • Its weird because when I ate the bagel with cream chesse I wasnt too sure if it was a metalic taste or something weird. I dont drink coffee no more it tastes nasty to me now.
  • @stepteam22 I loveeee pizza now I think alot more than I use too. Lol :) I eat that alot
  • I cannot stomach even the smell of baked chicken.
  • I used to love applebees now if I go there I look at my food and I can't eat it plus I'm only 9 weeks
  • @pinkhopesfor1stbby I am obsessed with begals and cream cheese! It's all I eat! Sometimes I'll put an egg on it and make it a messy sandwich to get some protien! Sooo good! But what I find repulsive is cilantro! I used to love it, it makes me ill now!
  • @1girland2boys lol thats good. I dont know if its where I bought it from or what not but I had such a horrible taste in my mouth it was discusting
  • @pinkhopesfor1stbby I would be so disappointed if I stopped liking them or got a bad one and it turned me off of them.
  • Chocolate and steak....
  • My prenatals for one! Beef which I loved.. hot dogs, ewgh, I gagged just now thinking of them.
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