What you've learned from being a mommy

just wanna know some fun/funny things you've learned & didnt expect since being a mommy

Ive learned: a fresh diaper attracts poop. As soon as you get a clean one on, they have to crap in it lol


  • I've learned while my little man is in the bath, to watch his weenie cause he peed in my face the other night! Lol
  • That nothing stays clean for long...Babys face, diapers, my hair...nope!
  • @cupcake22 so true lol.
    @bigbelly my husband always gets it from aadyn. He calls it his built in squirt gun lol
  • @natashalynn they're beautiful & amazing but they're nasty lil things, arent they? Lol
  • That EVERYTHING has to go into the mouth and fart noises get laughs.
  • I've learned that once you have a baby, NOTHING else matters and no one will ever compare to them!! :X

    Oh and don't wear your hair down because she will throw up in it :D
  • @jennalynne87 lol, my son likes when my husband hurts himself, stubs his toe etc
    @starrxoxo9 very true. They are so amazing and the love of your life, but will throw up on you in a heartbeat! ESPECIALLY if you have a new/nice shirt on lol
  • Privacy means nothing and door locks on bathrooms are amazing.
  • That i wouldn't want to spend a dime on myself (besides food) so that i could buy madison clothes and toys. She NEEDS them lol. I'm down to 4 shirts and a pair of jeans that still fit, i'm a sahm so i just wear shorts and a tank top
  • Hahaha yep!!
  • Like @kimberly4411 said, kids are expensive and because of this, I have no clothes. I bought target tank tops in multiple colors and pair them with sweatpants daily unless I am going somewhere. Scrubs everyday so I have no use for "real" clothes anymore.

    I have learned that when you're having a difficult time falling asleep and finally fall asleep, without fail, baby will wake up immediately.
  • Haha Yup. I love her to pieces but she's dirty!! I've also learned how much fun the simplest things can be. like trying new food for the first time!
  • @captivated and @kimberly4411 I know what you mean. I have 2 pair of jeans that actually fit. The rest are sweat pants & tank tops. Luckily, I work in a group home with no dress code. Everyone wears what they usually do. Unless I am taking my participant to the dr etc, there is no reason for me to dress up or anything
  • @conreeaght haha I know. My "me time" is taking an extra long pee (usually with david outside the door yelling for me) lol
  • @captivated so true. My babys favorite time to play is the second mommy closes her eyes lol
  • I have learn that after they start walking.. you can't pee alone
  • That my boobs are no longer my own lol
    Also I would do anything for my little girl.
    I second the no clothes thing..I just bought myself a pair of jeans cause I had none.
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  • You can divorce your spouse, sell your house, or quit your job, but being a mommy can never be undone....(not that I'd want to!) ;-)
  • PATIENCE!! And lots of it...

    Not take everything so seriously and quit being so hard on myself for not looking the way I did pre-preg. I created a baby for pete's sake! :)

    And the fact that I don't have to be a supermodel to turn my hubby on, despite the stretch marks and the 18 leftover pounds. :)
  • That babies have an amazing power called "Fighting Sleep". They will do whatever it takes to not give into the temptation of sleep.
  • That my lo has a nack of throwing up right when I am walking out the door to daycare and school. And to hit everything possible!!
  • Mama is for cuddling and taking care of him when he doesn't feel good, and daddy is for fun. (Dillon only wanted mama today...made me feel special!) Explosive poo diapers are funny to me...but make sean gag hahaha. Letting your lo bite on your finger cuz he's teething lands you with a sore finger when he chomps on a nerve. I've also learned how much I miss breastfeeding and I kind of took it for granted til I had to stop, and how guilty I feel for stopping. I've also learned that my life will never be mine again...and I'm perfectly okay with that.
  • Not to wear white shirts when they starting eating and discover that she can make noises with her tongue and food flies everywhere.

  • Your booby's will NEVER belong to you..

    Before pregnancy they belong to my honey...

    During pregnancy they ran a life of their own.

    After they belong to my baby..

    After breastfeeding... They're unusable
  • @ynvtish lol that is soooo true! My hubby and I were just talking about this yesterday! :-))
  • Ive learned that u will NOT ever sleep thru the night EVER again. Even when ur kids sleep thru the night. U wake to check on them or u wake to use the bathroom because ur bladder will never b the same.

    Also... There is NO greater love than the the love a parent has for their child. :) it a love u cant even understand until u become a parent.
  • When you leave the house you take half of it with you! (For at least the first month lol)
  • that your cheeks ache from smiling so much, that your arms ache when you're away from them, and that if you forget to tie your hair up its gonna get yanked.
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