where did our spines go?!

Okay so I have lots of family/friends who are in relationships that a) they complain about allllll the time, b) are abusive, physically, verbally and/or mentally and c) have trust issues because they cheated on them/did suspicious things that look like they could have cheated on them.

My question is: where are all of their spines?!?! When did it become OK for a man to treat u like crap, cheat on you, and abuse you. You don't have to stay with those sandbags, children or not. By not doing anything about it you are allowing them to think that they can do that to you. Get your spine out of his closet, dust it off, and stick up for yourself! UGH!

Btw, I have been in a mentally abusive, unfaithful, and outright terrible relationship and I stopped making excuses, put my big girl pants on, and left the guy. I am now happily married with no fighting, bickering, and no trust issues. There ARE great men out there, you just have to be willing to leave your sad excuse for a significant other or baby daddy to meet one.

Vent over :)


  • Amen girl!
  • Seriously, I don't understand why they feel it's ok. It's weird cuz I know a girl that stopped dating a guy that treated her like an absolute ANGEL because she started talking to her ex who treated her like shit....
  • Well said! I couldn't agree more! :D
  • Totally agree!
  • ^:)^ a freaking men!!! The way I see it, la either DO something about it, or shut the hell up. I've ended a marriage because he started verbally abusing me and told me he was gonna kill me...bye bye! I will NOT put up with abuse, or cheating. YOU can change the situation, and seeking sympathy by staying and complaining about it isn't going to do any good. It irritates the crap out of me.
  • Hallelujah! You tell it! People make the situation a lot more complicated than it needs to be!

    I can't stand it when a woman stays with a shitty man and says "oh he looooves me! He swears he won't do that again!"!i just want to say well if he loved you do much he wouldn't have acted like an ass in the first place!
  • My number one question to friends/ or anyone who is complaining about their partners is this " would you want them as a role model for your kids?!" if the answer is no then change your situation!
  • I agree @ashley_smashley my friends mom left her hubby because of that reason. She didn't want her daughter to think it was okay.
  • You go girl!!!! I have a 7 month old and am 5 months pregnant and finally let go!!! Such a great feeling. I go tomorrow to get rid of the stuff I've kept at his house while he's away fishing. :-D I'm a new woman and I know it'll be way better. <3
  • I left my husband because he was emotionally abusive... I find myself back in a relationship that feels similar at times... No I havent left yet because I know I will have regrets and wonder if I could have done differently and salvaged things if I dont try everything I can before I walk away... If I do walk away I want to do it knowing I wont be tempted to regret my decision and get back with him. But I also choose not to complain about him because im making a concious decision every day to be with him. It's not like a gun is being held to my head.
  • @tinka1326 See, that's the way it needs to be done. If you're going to stay and put up with it, don't complain about it because nobody is forcing you to stay.

    My mom was in a very physically abusive relationship and after 4 years or doing all that I could to help her, I had to just tell her that I wanted to hear no complaints and when she would call to cry or complain, I'd hang up on her. She finally realized everything and came to her senses about a year after that. She's now been happy and independent and in a non abusive relationship for nearly 6 years now!!! I'm so proud of her and love her so much.
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