no health insurence?? stuckk!



  • @Mandabear - I would, to be safe. Because when you have the baby, the baby will be on your insurance till he/she is on his own.
  • @MandaBear
    Yes! You do!
    Finally let's get back on subject..... lol
  • Ok, glad I asked... it's my husbands policy so should he call or can I?
  • You can. I called
  • I know with mine, the policy holder had to call.
  • Love my boys.. in no where have i said i was getting my g.e.d. ??
    Not tryna clown anyone.. but id neverr get that. Caz in my post i said im in high school.
  • Ahhh, my stupidity. I misread!
    Sorry @soon2beteenmama
  • Whoo go girl @magcaw! U should get insurance specialy if ur in school, I was preggerz in school at the age of 18 so I don't think u should have any problems getting Medicaid! U started my life too soon, got married to a soldier, had my 1st child,if I could go back and change anything it would be nothing! Now I'm 21 and my daughter is a soon to be sister :-)
  • Wow! That's all I can say!! I could have swore when I signed up for this it was a place to ask questions and get answers and to talk about things! Not to bash someone! I don't care what she has said or done on here! You are not GOD! You have no right to judge anyone!! Obviously you were never taught that if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!! I think I learned that when I was 4!!
  • Where I used to live we had a place called planned parenthood. You can go in there and get a test and they can help also. It is a place for young girls and usually it is done by donations.
  • may not be ideal and it will be the hardest most rewarding job you will ever long as you always put your child's well-being first you will be a great far as insurance....lots of people have said it but wic is a great program....good luck to you.
  • WIC is not insurance, it is a nutrition program. They have resources to help you sign up for medicaid. @soontobeteenmama please consider, if you do not have a job to have insurance, you may need to think about what it will take to be a mom. Loving your kids is not enough. They have to eat, they get sick, they need to get from home to school eventually. I don't doubt you have a very supportive family and every good intention to be a good mom, but at some point (and this is to everyone) MONEY MATTERS! So many studies show that children born to older parents are more likely to have better lives overall including health, education, and future job opportunities. This is not to say there aren't exceptions nor to say their parents don't love them as much. There is always the option of placing your child for adoption. Not an easy choice at all, but in my opinion, one that shows the true love of a mother: putting the needs of her baby before her own wants.
  • Im 17 and preg I didnt have insurance at 1st but I got on medicade and it will pay for everything from the doctor app to labor and delivery good luck and dont listen to the ppl putting down teen moms
  • Do you know for sure if your pregnant?
  • edited January 2011
    Also once your baby is born it will get onr
  • I haven't read any comments on this thread so maybe someone mentioned it already. I had the same problem of no insurance when I got prego with this one. Besides the state, you can call plan parenthood and they'll give you a number of a company that will help you find a practice in your area that takes you with no insurance. Possibly at a low rate:)
  • Does income matter
  • Heather is right, you can always pay for your healthcare out of pocket. Some clinics have discounted rates. I'm sure the potential teen mama is extremely interested in finding a job to support herself and baby. It's a rough road, but one you have to take sometimes.
  • As for micheyla - my insurance is also coming from your paycheck...oh and MINE. Yes I work full time but not everyone is blessed with the perfect life you live. My employer doesn't offer insurance. That makes me someone that's abusing the system? I think not. Leave the poor girl alone it seems to me from what I have read, your perfect life must not be so great since you sit here bashing this poor girl all day to fulfill some sick emptyness all your money leaves inside you. Why don't you go to work for all of us that are depending on your paycheck, or so you think.
    And whoever said something about partying before having a baby, its not that important to everyone. I am due 4 days after my 21st birthday and couldn't be happier about it! None of us know whether or notthis girl was planning this and its none of our business.
    As for finding insurance, call any clinic and ask most likely they can at least tell you what to do. And please don't let these rude childish remarks bother you.
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  • I am going to have to agree with michelya, its a shame we have so many young & irresponsible mothers out there that we have to foot the bill for. Im out here working 50 hrs a week w my career, paying my ins. Premium & deductibles only to have to pick up the tab on someone else that lacks education about sex or has the "not me" attitude. So while they sit on there butt the entire pregnancy & I pick up the bill I am exhausted & stressed out working a full work load. My heart truly goes out to this poor girl if she is preggo for this child already has a unfair advantage to every other child that has 2 financially responsible, mature loving parents. I pray this baby will not become the statistic unfortunately the odds are stacked against it. May you get help & care for yourself both physically & mentally to be as prepared as possible to be a mom. Good luck.
  • I hope that none of you financially responsible, hard-working women ever find yourselves laid off, fired or otherwise without a job. It's not a crazy prospect in this economy, and I'm sure it would be quite the shock to your egos to need to ask for help when you realize how much cobra costs, and how difficult it is to afford all the things you need when you have nothing. As for the rest of us, we will be here to help you foot those bills because it's one of our responsibilities as members of the same community-to help those who are less fortunate and trying to find their way. It is so sad and disheartening to know that so many people truly would be more willing to watch an individual or family suffer than help them in their time of need. How sad that your children will likely grow up with your "me me me" attitude. In truth, it isn't these young, uneducated mothers who are the problem with this country, it's people like you who aren't willing to use your time and resources to help others. I am disappointed in and ashamed of all of you.
  • @billye910 I don't think income matters. I called two different practices looking to pay out of pocket and they wouldn't take me! This company I spoke about said depending on my income I MAY get a discount:)
  • Ok cuz we might lose our insurance n march if NFL has lockout. I have learned that if u do pay out of pocket some places will give u discount. My ob delivered my last baby so I have good relationship. I won't take any gov funding even if income doesn't matter cuz I feel its not meant for me. My friend who is n real estate is n same boat. They have to have private insurance but no plan will offer maternity. I understand y but its crazy nonetheless
  • @billye910 I know! We were going to put me on his plan right before we found out I was pregnant then his job switched insurance companies. It won't be ready til March. But in the interim, I can't find a doc who will take me! This is ridiculous! Luckily I've had a couple babies and I mostly:) know what to expect. I just found out yesterday that yet another doctor can't take me... I'm calling the doctor that place told me about. Wish me luck!
  • Omg good luck. Do u have any doc friends u can ask for referrals. I was a drug rep before. Where r u? I am probably gonna have to rely on cobra if our insurance is on hold till this NFL crap gets figured out which will b crazy $$$$
  • @heather....I think this blog has been blocked from coming up to top due to all drama
  • Yeah! I saw some of it after I posted on here... holy crap! I'll see if I can message you
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