Update Baby Isai. His funeral is going to be on Friday.



  • thanks @Roxy for sure tomorrow I'll be doing something.
  • Also u can do door to door candle light donations or buy a box of candy sale them you'll make more goggle how to raise money may b that well help
  • Welcome Btw I'm so sry prayers her way
  • thanks @roxy that's a good idea
  • I am so very sorry for your friends loss xx Have you tried makeawish.com (i think that's right)
  • I saw a post about www.wishuponahero.com maybe post something on there?? I wish I could help. I'll be praying for his loved ones during this most difficult time, for comfort and peace. :(
  • @lilsugarsmomma i think that's what i ment lol. Try that site it seems really good.
  • ok. thanks
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  • @smcox thanks love....I am always glad to help. I just sent her a message back.
  • @babynewyear2012 I know you are! Because you are an absolutely amazing woman! Always doing things for people <3
  • we haven't get help. But still trying to get any. The doctors disconnected the baby Yesterday 4/10/12. they'll give isai's body in 4 days so we need to make something to be ready with the money for that day.
    Thanks. I just needed to vent
  • Maybe a bake sale with a donation sign in front of like a Walmart have the baby picture so maybe ppl will see what y'all doing or like a benefit for s.I.d? Garage sale?
  • edited April 2012
    After waiting for the autopsy to be done and the investigation. Finally they are giving baby isai's body.
    His funeral is gonna cost $3,000. we are still doing everything we can to get all the money.
    Please pray for the family. Because I know it's going to be difficult to see baby Isai again but now in his funeral.
  • Prayers
  • Oh wow I'm sorry mama. Can other family members pitch in at all? Just keep praying. I will be praying for them :(
  • Praying for the family
  • I know that the state I believe can help with some of the cost well atleast here in idaho I'm so sorry for u and ur friends loss I can't imagine the toll itstaking on u and especially her but my prayers r with u and her
  • edited April 2012
    thanks @everyone
    @skysma they won't help.
  • So what happened with everything?
  • Did it all get sorted?
  • @kayleigh27 isai's body still in the mortuary because the family was waiting for the result of the autopsy.
    so until this friday 27,2012 its going to be his funeral.
    They did a bake sale and all the family help with some money too.
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