my lil guys starting to say mama but not sure if he knows what it means or who it is yet although he does say mama when he wants to get out of his walker/highchair/jumper & hes 7 months
Haylee is 9 months and has been saying since she was about 7 months. At 8 months she knew what she was saying. She turns to me and say ma ma or calls ma ma to nurse or to come and her out the bed durng the day and its just me.
At night I put her in the bed with us and when I tell her to go lay and go to sleep with daddy... She crawls over and says Da Da and lays down with him (for like 5 secs.)
My daughter said her first word(momma) the 19th and since then has said momma, baba, bye bye, hey, hi and just started waving too she'll be 7 months Saturday
My lo is about to be 6 months and says Dada and daddy. I've heard they don't understand what they are saying yet but my daughter will look at her daddy and call him. When he picks her up she will stop. When he walks in from work most nights if she's still awake I said look who is that and she will say daddy and smiles. So Idk.
Omg why did I read this my almost 7 month old barely even babbles and if she does its ya ya or ra ra. usually she just screams and lately makes this gasping sound
At night I put her in the bed with us and when I tell her to go lay and go to sleep with daddy... She crawls over and says Da Da and lays down with him (for like 5 secs.)
mama dada Baba wawa(water) yea/yes nyny(night-night)
thats awesome!
my husbands jealous bahahaha!
and by screaming I don't mean crying I mean she screams while she's playing lol sometimes quiet sometimes loud lol oh and she growls too @lafiitz89
thats so crazy so shes saying lil sentences?