Just for fun: What's 1 very Irritating & 1 very Sweet thing your BD's do?

Okay, ladies, I thought it would be fun to vent about our baby's daddy AND give him credit for something sweet he does, so it's not ALL bashing! ;)

Irritating = When he tells me he's going to get something done that I am not allowed to do or help with, & then puts it off for days or weeks, until I have to remind him & nag him as if he's a child! :(

Sweet = If I start crying over whatever's stressing me, he'll come by my side, hold me, & just calm me. He'll also get me tissues & a cold drink to sip without being asked, and I find this very comforting & sweet! <3


  • Irritating= my husband sleeps with his face on my back, and he constantly blows his breath on me and grit his teeth. UGH!

    Sweet = he is there by my side no matter what....i couldn't ask for a better support.
  • Irritating- he plays on his phone instead of giving me attention.
    Sweet- he is there for me no matter what and tells me I'm beautiful when I'm feeling down.
  • irritating-coming home late for work
    sweet-let me go out cause he knowd I enjoy bingo night n ditched his work mates to watch our kids, and every.night we put the kids down together n while he is still.awake he deals with all there wingyness n excuses not to sleep plus hes just perfect :)
  • Irritating: when my boyfriend blast music n the car,it drives me crazy.

    Sweet: he always there wen I need him through every and anything.
  • Irritating: when we sleep my husband snores & its so freaking irritating........ugh :( Sweet: he is there for me thru thick & thin :)
  • Irritating: He always makes fun of me because I'm always tired and go. To bed early

    Sweet: Trys to figure out what I want too eat even thow it doesn't. Work.
  • I LOVE all your responses, ladies! =D
    It's nice to see that our men have their good sides, too, & it's important for us to remember them when we're feeling low or just plain crappy. I thought of another thing that's kinda funny my man does:

    Irritating = He always, accidentally, wakes me up at 5am when he gets up for work, & he is the worst grump in the morning.

    Sweet = But, he always calls me on his way home, & the first thing he says when I pick up is, "How's my beautiful woman?" :)
  • Irritating: plays on the computer a lot, tickles and teases me a lot (which I didn't mind before but now gets on my nerves) snores loudly and gets pissy really quickly

    Sweet: does anything I ask of him with a smile on his face. Talk to my stomache (baby area of course). Kisses me on the forehead and tells me he loves me every morning before he goes to work if I'm sleeping or not.
  • Mine wont read any material and also acts like he knows everything! But he is always there when I used to get sick and he massages me and he is always cuddling to my belly. They do this stuff where we want to kill them then they turn around and say the sweetest things or do them. I love my bd
  • Irritating: Sometimes he acts like a high school boy & doesn't think about how I'd feel about things before he does them.

    Sweet: He cooks with me, cleans with me, does laundry with me, we always go grocery shopping together, & he rocks me to sleep every night while playing with my hair! Plus all the sweet comments he says!

    I'm a very lucky girl for the most part & I'm very thankful to have him!
  • @artistmamma, this was a good idea (:
  • Irritating : he's so stubborn, everything is his way or I'm called a bitch or rude. Always a bitch >_<

    Nice: he tries to make up for it saying he's sorry and lets go out for a date. Got one today... I'm going to do makeup/hair etc
  • Irritating...when he watches porn n tryies to hide it sweet.when he kisses my belly
  • Irritating - his snoring! Its so loud.
    sweet- he is a great husband and father!
  • Irritating: when he sometimes acts like I'm not preg and focuses more on his crew then me :(
    Sweet: when he's always trying to b there for me when I'm down and sad. Always buys me whatever I want, talks to me late into the night (love those talks cuz it gets us closer) and when he takes care of our son when I'm tired. Let's me sleep in and makes me breakfast in bed :)
  • E
    Irritating; wen he comes home late, and where he goes places he wants me to always go. I'm to tired And pregnant to go anywhere. LOl
    Sweet; cooks wit me, cuddles wit me, kisses my head every Nhitee before bed!! I'm so lucky to have him.
  • Thanks, @mommy3! =D
    We have some really sweet guys, who can also do some really stupid things. LOL! ;)
    @ashes - Not cool that he calls you a b*tch! Rude is far better to say than something so demeaning. I'm afraid I would punch him. Haha! :p
  • edited February 2011
    He does something new everyday!!

    Touching my boobs and getting mad when I tell him to stop.

    Then buying me jelly filled doughnuts to wish me luck on my interviews. (:

    Irritating: he is probably the messiest person ever and having to clean up after him is a pain in the ass.

    Sweet : he always makes sure to kiss me and my tummy before either one of us goes anywhere. He never forgets. Oh how I love him!
  • Bad: his snoring and doing it right in my ear
    good: letting me win when we play fight and already deciding that what I say goes even if its only because of the pregnancy.
  • Irritating- He dips copenhagen even though the smell makes me nauseous.
    Sweet- Not only is he the most thoughtful person I know he's the sweetest too! He sends me sweet text messages while he's at work that says things like "I love you more than there are stars in the sky" and always lets me know how important I an to him. :X
  • Irritating= he thinks he knows everything but cant seem to realize I'm super emotional and need extra love right now.
    Arguing over little stupid things doesn't help and he can't get that through his head

    Sweet= he does everything for me. He knows I'm alwaysss sleepy so he always goes and gets food or watever I need and loves trying to pick out names he kisses my belly and tells me he loves me all the time

    I guess the good overweighs the bad :) gotta love our bds
  • It's been nice to see that, overall, we have some pretty awesome bd's! I see some stories where they either abandoned & deny their child, or are even abusive to the mom. My heart aches for those women. I'm grateful for my man...the sweet side and the annoying! :D
  • Irritating=Hogs the bed at night, tries to take over the pregnancy pillow, and doesn't understand I need more room in the bed than I did six months ago.

    Sweet=Rubs my back when I can't sleep at night and in the morning when I can't fall back asleep. And he absolutely worships my pregnant body. He rubs lotion on my feet too! He makes me laugh when I need to, and he let's me cry when I have to. He hasn't missed a doctor appointment either, even when I've had to switch dates or times. And once when I cut myself really bad in the shower and required stitches, while I was holding pressure on the wound and keeping it up in the air, I asked him to shave my armpits so I could wear a tank top to the ER... and he did without question... raging pregnancy hot flashes that day :-D
  • Sweet:wen he sings and/or raps to me. He makes up his own sings n cant sing to save his life but i love it. N i love the way he is so much in love with our daughter he is gna b a great dad

    Irritating:how he never blows his freakin nose n jus sniffs the boogers til i yell n say how gross it is n make him blow his nose i hate tht with a passion
  • Irritating ... is always late to everything I have gone to telling him this are 30 min before they are just so I can be there on time
    Sweet ... where to start, he tells me I'm sexy, kisses me and my belly, is so happy to get to be a daddy, holds my hand when we are walking, holds me at night, he likes to take me around his friends yeah I could go on forever I know I have a good man and I'm lucky to have him, and I have never been so in love :X
  • Annoying- he moves so much when we sleep!

    Sweet- he always loves to cuddle, he cooks for me. And texts me and always says " how's my m.I.l.f.?" And reassures me he still likes my oh so diffetent body. Oh and makea me take his nice car, that he loves, because its safer then mine
  • Wheres the guy one to this lol jk
  • Irritating- Hmmmm.... yeah, everything.

    Sweet- He holds and kisses me when I cry due to these lovely hormones
  • Irritating- when he talks about food that makes me sick so I actually do chuck up or tickles me til I'm sick (even though it was funny as it was projectile all over him)!
    Sweet- when he knows I've had a bad day an I get in from work to a bubble bath an a massage or when I'm stressed an he tells me to give up work he can support us! His ex used to live here and all the bills were in his and her names ( which didn't bother me- if we couldn't afford them it would be her getting black listed! Not me lol) and I got home yesterday to find he had put everything in our names! Bless! Or when I'm sleepy he never moans about me wanting to go to bed an more often he will snuggle me til I fall asleep!
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