EBF mothers.. When did your child sleep through the night?

edited May 2012 in Pregnant
My baby is 6 months and still waking up twice a night to eat. He is fed solid food once a day. Is this normal?

My mom is convinced that if I switch to formula he will wake up less. I'd like to continue to bf as long as possible, I just really need some rest :)


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  • I switched to formula with my first and she didn't sleep thru night until 7mo. She started formula at about a month. My son is 10mo now and ebf and started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks. Regressed for a cpl months waking up twice a month but is back now. 6 hours is considered sleeping through the night :(
  • And formula doesn't have much to do with it! Hang in there!
  • My lo is almost 6 months now. She slept through the night at 4 weeks and still does . I never gave her cereal or anything. I just started giving her some veggies twice a week. Try to pump and make the last feeding of the night a bottle feeding. Hhe may drink more and sleep better.
  • My peanut has been sleeping thru the night (7pm - 5am) since 4 months...occasionally he will wake up around midnight just to have a little mommy time, but is back to sleep with in 30 min.
  • my lo is stoll waking up almost 3 times shes fed food 3 times a day i just started to have her sleep with us so i coud get more sleep it does help
  • Going on 10 months and still wakes twice a night, but only long enough to get boob in mouth and goes back to sleep.
  • My son started to sleep a whole night just close to eight months. You can always try rocking and a binky before nursing just to see if he is really hungry or just wants comfort!! I tried that with my son and it worked after a few nights of rocking he quit waking up!
  • Thanks for all the feedback and tips ladies. Its just nice to know that I'm not the only one still getting up all night!
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  • Mine decide one night that he dint want to get up anymore... that was at about 6 months.. it was just out of the blue.. and last night he slept from 9pm to 930am when my hubby actually woke him up because they had to get ready to leave. He is breastfeed and on baby foods too. It will happen but its all your lo's choice!!
  • Ahhh mine only sleeps about 4 hours at a time! she is always hungry. She is 6 months and we just started with solids yesterday-pieces of banana and cooked broccoli
  • It varies with my son, sometimes he wakes 2-3 times a night or like last night went to bed at 7pm, I dream fed him at 11pm & he slept through til 6am, he's just turned 14 weeks & he's been doing this for a couple of weeks :-)
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  • I ebf and my daughter was sleeping thru the night till couple weeks ago...she's 4 months now and wakes up 2 or 3 times. I-)
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