Cigarettes- I am fine!

I smoke cigarettes. Have been for 4 years now. I don't have any breathing problems and am perfectly fine! So I have concluded that smoking is just fine! My dad also has smoked for 30 years and he is just fine!

...this is how ridiculous I feel people sound when they say "I did it, im fine". Wow! I guess all the scientific evidence means nothing because, *gasp*, YOU did it and you're fine!


This isn't about anything specific.


  • I smoke and exclusively bf. My daughter is 7 months old now. I smoke after I feed her. It's worse to smoke and not breastfeed! It's excreted in such small amounts anyway. I'm with you @captivated
  • Exactly what @tattdup_knockdup said @mom2ing. Any LC will tell you that it is better to smoke and breastfeed than smoke and formula feed. Your milk produces antibodies that protect baby from smoke that a formula fed baby does not receive. Plus, a cigarette stays in your milk for a very short time. As long as you are not smoking right before a feed or chain smoking prior, baby is fine :)

    I smoke about 3 a day, usually at school and clinical. I also do not smoke in my car or house.
  • It can lower your supply, but I never had that issue. I had quite the oversupply-pumping 20oz often in one pumping session. :) The oversupply was pretty dreadful at times!

    I don't have a huge oversupply anymore because my son doesn't feed as often. Usually just feeds in the morning and before bed now. He's a little pig and wants food now rather than milk!
  • @tattdup_knockdup, there have been studies that haven't been able to show nicotine passing through breastmilk.

    Also, the occurance of respiratory illness in a breastfed baby is drastically lower than those on formula.
  • I smoke and ebf and my lo is 7 months. I've never had a problem with my supply either! Just sayin :)
  • I ebf too never had one oz of problems with low supply and I smoked prolly around a half a pack a day
  • Obviously quitting would be ideal, but when it comes to a woman stopping BFing because of it, it's not worth it. I am glad to see that I am not the only one. I've had people ask the same thing when I am on the smoke pit at school and they know I pump and breastfeeding.
  • Well thank you @captivated. I support everything you say on here anyway :) I never get on here,it's too difficult to type on my phone.I'm more of a lurker anyway! I like my cigarettes,now:) I need something to keep me calm. You keeps it real and I like that! Might I add,you are a very eloquent,intelligent lady.
  • Awe thank you @tattdup_knockdup and @bettymomma! That makes me feel good..sometimes I feel pretty alone here! Haha. And tattd, I love your username!
  • Thank you @captivated. I made the name when I joined over a year ago. Haven't changed my profile pic at all! I really need to:( My daughters name is Genesee (jena-c) and she was born september 15th,2011. I absolutely love your profile pic! I read aloud your posts to my bd all the time:) my mother who is the smartest,most educated woman I know says,"wow! That girl captivated is smart as hell!"
  • Omg really?! Haha thank you! (As my head swells to enormous proportions) And your daughter's name is seriously gorgeous! Im usually not for very unique names, but it is pretty! As for the profile picture, I had to get a new account due to my old posts being used during my custody battl.e so I wont put mine or my kids up! I thought a breastfeeding one would be suitable, because I feel very strongly advocating it!
  • @captivated I am so pro breastfeeding it's not even funny! I preach to everyone about its benefits 24/7! I think ebf shows your dedication to your child. My mother did it until I was 4 (slightly embarrassing) and I will do it as long as Genesee wants! Don't you get into that ff discussion crap:) breastfeeding pros trumps ff anyday and everyone knows it! That's why they choose to validate themselves with ff "pros". Whatevs! I'm with you honey:)
  • haha i smoke! like one cigarette a week lol
  • No matter how you sugar coat it, smoking is very dangerous to you and your baby , just my opinion. Exits________
  • And you are very well entitled to your opinion @chelles. I, however, don't focus upon opinions, but science and professionals. :)
  • Curious... Have u seen the comercial on tv with the little girl whos not scared of the dark or spiders but scared of her mom smoking? Im curious of what u all (that smoke) think of it.

    Btw.. i do not smoke. I did smoke up until i got preg w my first and stopped the min i found out i was preg. Just a personal choice.

    And...I love the fact that u all do not smoke in the car or house. Good for u.

    Im curious about the comercial tho because when my girls c it they stop what they r doing and their eyes r glued to the tv and what the little girl is saying.
  • I don't really pay much attention to the anti-smoking campaign commercials. Anyone that smokes is well aware of the side-effects and risks of smoking @mommyof3girls. My father smoked growing up and I thought it was disgusting! I didn't actually start smoking until I was 19 and in the Navy. Never even experimented with it. My daughter knows I smoke and every time she will look out the window, I'll make a yucky face. If my pack of cigarettes falls on the floor, she says "those are yucky mama, for grownups only. EW". Thata girl! :)
  • LOL what isn't dangerous nowadays? The crap in our food, our soaps, too much sun, the air, 9 year old knows they are gross and vows to never smoke haha.
  • I agree! @bahamamama4828.

    When I got pregnant with my son, I was smoking 2 packs a day. I cut down dramatically (upon advice from the doc) and had gotten down to one a day by 5 months. Then managed to stop completely at 7. Started back up a few weeks after birth and am only at about 3 a day. I'm pretty damned proud of myself :)
  • I totally agree that the poisons they put in processed food and almost everything we use is WAY more dangerous than a parent smoking.

    @captivated u should b proud. That is some amazing progress. :)

  • Thanks! @mommyof3girls

    It feels like these smoking campaigns is a total attack upon smokers. Like I sit here with my child in my lap as I'm smoking a cigarette...or have an ashtray in the baby's room and light up during bedtime routine. [-( When I DO smoke, I am a pretty considerate smoker. I won't light up around someone who doesn't smoke, I smoke in designated smoking areas and I don't smoke right outside of the entrance to a building where non smokers would have to walk through my smoke.

    My smoking doesn't affect you, so lay the hell off of me and my personal choices! ;) Cigarettes will NEVER be illegal. They can try to make law after law, but the pure reality is that it won't happen. Never ever ever! Hehe
  • Im a smoker and pay no attention to those ads...I'm not saying that some ppl and parents arnt like that and as I smoker I don't condone smoking in the house or car with children...the commercial with the baby crying in the back seat shirtless and crying while the mother smokes is like come on not everybody who smokes does that!crazy ads
  • @erkiehadagirl, exactly! Not every smoker is rude and inconsiderate!
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