he quit breastfeeding but refuses formula

edited May 2012 in Pregnant
Ladies I'm lost. My son is going to be nine months in two days. In past week he gas refused to nurse.. he won't drink ANY formula I gave tried every kind. I don't know what to do.


  • edited May 2012
    Probably going through a nursing strike Bahamamama is the go to gal on that topic.

    I would continue trying to nurse.

  • Thank you @heyitsme, I couldn't remember the numbers. =0P
  • have you tried pumping milk
  • I've read that a baby that ebf past 6months will NOT take formula but there's no real reason they can't have cows milk. It sounded weird to me but I reread it over and over and that's what it said hmm. Maybe try whole milk, organic.
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  • Id say nursing strike as well. keep pumping. Has anything new happened recently? Like job, teething, etc? If baby will take it, try a sippy, spoon, or something similar. It should last more than a few days.
  • Time to change my name LOL
  • @Steph_Due_101611 not true cause one of my good friends breastfeed till like 9 or 10 months and then gave her baby formula and she drank it
  • Well when I pump nothing comes out. I quit trying to pump a few days ago. The only thing new is I quit drinking pop. I bought every brand of formula and its a no go. I even friendly the flavored formula but that didn't work either. I gave him a little sippy cup of milk warmed up and he drank that.... I feel horrible. I was thinking about maybe mixing the a little bit of the flavored formula with milk and see if he drinks it that way he would still get nutrients
  • Lillys 8 1/2 months and did the same. I keep track of what she eats (like a crazy person I have a note pad lol) and she peaked at 25 oz at about 5 months and has been slowly decreasing, she takes only about 17 oz a day now. I asked her dr and he said she may be self weening. He suggested to offer a bottle, let her eat as much as she can, even if its only an oz or 2. Then some puree food/baby food, then some finger foods to experiment with :) he said not to worry, just feed her till she's full and she'll be ok. As long as she has wet and poopy diapers the just fallow her lead. He's a chill dr lol. She has her 9 mo apt in a week or so, I might see if they can check her iron and make sure she's not lacking anything cause I worry so much but honestly, she's 18 pounds and healthy as a horse! I'm just a worry wort. Sorry so long..maybe its self weening..?
  • It is rare that babies self wean before 18-24 months. What kind of pump are you using? yes, just keep feeding solids and offering to nurse as much as you can before he gets upset. You can offer goats milk, its close to human milk until he decides he wants to latch back on.
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