no heartbeat?

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I'm supposed to be 7w 6d today and was supposed to be able to hear the hb at first he was having trouble finding the baby in the sac which was large...he did find the baby but to hb....he said possible miscalculated but I had an u/s at 4w6d already...he said he doesn't want to get my hopes up or say a definite end but I hafta go back in a week...please anyone else in same circumstances and come out good?!


  • *But no heartbeat
  • I would like to offer hope but this same thing happened to me in jan and it didn't end well. Because u had an u/s already u know the dates are right and I had my first u/s today at 5 weeks 3 days for this pregnancy and there was a hb. I'm wishing u the best though and hoping my feeling is wrong.
  • Oh my ill pray for you are you having any symptoms of pregnancy?
  • @kailiasmomma thank you I am also hoping and praying @lovelyboots I have been having every symptom in the book no cramping and I m/c 2 yrs ago and had no symptoms...I'm just in shock and now all I can do is wait..and on top of it my bf left me this morning ...I've never been so hurt I feel like I'm loosing both of the most important things in my life
  • Does he having you come in for another ultra sound
  • Yea I'm supposed to go in one week he said don't get upset yet but also don't get my hopes up
  • Try another doctor that's what I would do have a second opinion!
  • Could he see the heartbeat on the u/s? My doctor said you usually dont hear it till 10 weeks. If he could at least see it that would be good.
  • Something very similiar is happening to me. I am suppose to be around 9 wks according to my lmp. 2 and a half weeks ago I went and the tech measured me at 6w0d. Bcoz it was smaller then my lmp she took about 2 mins..did even look for a heart beat and said ur baby stopped growing u will lose it soon and walked out. Went back this past tech measured me at 5w6d and spent like 30 mins looking at blood flow etc and found a heartbeat!!! Couldnt hear but saw it. Took my hcg and it was 9418. I did them again on sun and they were 11,416. I go back this wed for another u/s but my dr says it looks very pos and its so hard to get a good reading so early. DO NOT LOSE HOPE.
  • I heard mine at 8weeks. But yea, you should at least see it flickering. @happy2b try not to stress too much, I know that sounds silly.. I've had to miscarriages myself and I know how much you just want to know what's going on. Keep us posted.
  • That's a good point @ashley about the bloodwork. Maybe the dr can order that in the meantime, see if the levels are still rising? @happy2b You should ask about that.
  • Oh I forgot to mention that the second ultrasound measured me smaller than the dumb-a measured me at the week before....the siE of my juterus and the fetal pole was double the size it was the week b4
  • Side by side pics of my uterus and fetal pole*
  • I just went thru this today, I'm 15 weeks and doctors couldnt find his heartbeat either, I hope u have a diferrent outcome then me... I will pray for you, don't want to see another woman go thru what I'm going thru, wish u all the best
  • Thanks ladies...thats what's confusing me the sac and baby were bigger I was so upset tho the Dr. Really didn't say much just tried to calm me down...I'm keeping my hopes up and trying to think positive ..this waiting just sucks...if I go back next week and still havnt m/c I'm def. Going to ask about good work cus I still havnt gotten any...I'm just praying and hoping everything will go well and this lil one is just being stubborn ..thanks for the support ladies and I will keep u updated thanks again
  • @jenny1973 I'm so sorry for your loss I've Ben they it before and its such a horrific thing to go thru and will b devastated if I have to again my prayers are with you
  • The same thing happend to me but I'm not going to listen to the drs. Imma go get a second op when i get my medical.
  • I already had 2 more opnions and they were all the same results
  • I had a scan at 5 weeks and 3 days and i had a kidney bean but i defo saw the heart beat even that early. I hope things turn out ok for you and keep us updated!
  • It's going to be ok. I think these first trimester vaginal ultrasounds are scaring moms more than helping them....getting us all worked up because nature isn't falling into their medical guidelines. If you aren't cramping and bleeding and having a whole host of issues, go enjoy your pregnancy. Until your body shows you otherwise, let nature do its job and you be happy. {{{HUGSSSS}}}
  • @msc...AMEN...I Wish I had waited longer to get mine. I really don't think id be dealing w this if I had. But it was my first and I didn't know what to do
  • @Ashley I totally understand...with my other daughters (1997/2002), I never had a first trimester ultrasound. I went in for my appointment, did a pap smear and cervix check...I didn't HEAR a heartbeat until 12 weeks or so. I had no clue what was going until then, and even then I didn't get to see my babies until 20+ weeks. I'm going back to the old fashion way and just not knowing and allowing for nature to do its work. All this worrying and obsessing gets us more stressed. Sometimes too much information isn't a good thing....
  • @Happy2b. I had a bad MC experience last year. I found out at ten weeks that our baby had stopped growing and there was no hb at 8 (missed MC). The results on the ultrasound were blatantly obvious though and in that pregnancy there was a heartbeat at 5 weeks. Around 8 and a half to nine weeks I suddenly lost all pregnancy symptoms and prior to I had been terribly sick with morning sickness and you name It. I guess my point is that if you still feel pregnant you may have less to worry about. I had a second us done because my heart needed me to but I already knew. The fact that your Dr doesn't want to rush into anything is good and says to me that he's really looking out for you. I so hope everything turns out to be just a fluke for you and I wish you the best of everything.
  • @msc where's the "like" button when we need it!
    edited March 2011
    Thanks @jojo30.... ;-)
  • Can we check are own hcg levels at home ??
  • I hope everything turns out good to...I've never prayed so hard that hes a lil fighter...he only checked the u/s for about 2 mins in that so maybe he dint look hard enough..Idk I don't want to keep making up excuses this is just so different than the last m/c I had because I bled before I went to the Dr. I'm just hoping and praying for a good turnout thank you ladies your words (both ur good and bad experiences) are really helping me for either way this pregnancy goes
  • @happy2b. When I went to My Dr visit at 10 weeks I was seeing a new Dr I hadn't seen before. He talked to me for 20 minutes joking around and eased all my fears about what I thought was wrong with my us. Then he suddenly said this isn't a viable pregnancy. I almost hit the floor. I was expecting something was wrong but his attitude gave me a sense that everything was fine. It would have been a lot easier on me if I'd have stayed on less of an emotional rollercoaster. I don't want to worry you or get your hopes up cause I know how it feels. I think msc is right. We need to rely less on drs and trust our bodies more. Let me know how things go at your next appointment.
  • Update: Dr called and said that things aren't measuring the right way but he wants me to go to high risk Dr. Tomorrow fingers are crossed and praying harder than ever...
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