Kdaniels. It is the same type of pain I got when I was in the marines after a long run or a day of intense excersize. But god knows I am not doing anything now hahaha. Drinking water and eating bananas was the only thing that helped then. Next time the pain flairs up I will try that and see how it helps. Thank you
I cried at my las ultrasound when the babie was bouncing around and sucking on its thumb I also cried at the store when they didn't have ginger ale....... hahaha sooo over emotional lately.
Congrads to all the sept. Babies im due Sept. 13th !! I noticed some of you are due a day before or a day after and say your 10wks. But my doc. Says im 13wks does the day make a difference? This is my first time so im not to sure about much....but thats what I have all you wonderful wpmen for!!