sick of this "housewife" role

I go to work today. Come home...spend hours cleaning the whole house(not to mention its so hot because the air conditioner hadn't cooled the house off yet. Washed 4 loads of clothes! Taking care of the lo. Start cooking at 11:00 at night(that's what time he gets off and I like for it to be hot for him). Do all this sh*t and don't even get a thank you! No "how was your day today baby?"No "the house looks nice baby". No "do yu need anything baby?" Im so fucking annoyed right now!
When can I get catered too!?!


  • Men are so inconsiderate sometimes. I honestly don't think it clicks in their heads what all we do. If our men could spend one day in our shoes they would treat us soooo much different.
    I'm sorry he didn't acknowledge your hardwork. Atleast he doesn't walk around saying "we need to pick up this, this, this and this" and then leaves it for you to do. My husband gives me like a "to-do" list like I'm a 13 yr old idiot who doesn't know how to do things on my own. Thats what pisses me off.
  • @1stWoodsBaby if my bf ever gave me a todo list I would tell him what To Do with it!
  • I was fixing to post something similar! Although I am a sahm, this shit adds up! I ask him to do something & he says " what do you want me to do?". Like wtf! Just clean like I asked. He doesn't know where ANYthing is, hasn't even been in the kitchen for more than 5 minutes. NO JOKE! (We moved 1.5 months ago!) But his precious Xbox knows what love and appreciation is! I like playing too, but its kinda hard with a 9 mo crawling all over me, so I usually play with her instead. I can't even leave the house without the baby, he gives me that face like "do I really have to watch her?". I give up at that point & he wonders why I stay pissed off at him. Not to mention, I still breast feed 99% of the time, so I am always with her. I need a break sometimes. I seriously have developed a really bitchy attitude towards him. He is just lazy & its really getting to me, He needs to grow up a little. Sorry to vent on your post, just so mad I could cry. Lol. At least Malia is laying next to me keeping me company while she sleeps.
  • @caroline8_p Girl that sounds like my husband! My husband can clearly see that I've got 10 things going on and trying to watch a baby and he'll just look at me like "what?" with a stupid expression on his face. I just want to scream "CAN'T YOU SEE IVE GOT A MILLION THINGS GOING ON AND YOUR ASS IS LAYING ON THE COUCH ON THE IPAD!" uugghh! When I finally snap and ask him to do something he says "You just yelled like you've asked me 10 times to do it" Shit genius, I shouldn't have to ask you at all.. take some incentive and be like "oh I should help"

  • @caroline8_p I completely understand! It's like having TWO children in the house instead of one! I just want him to do something for me. I would love to come home to a clean house sometimes(not just ONE time and then never again) I work 5 days a week just like him & get up 4 days a week at 8:30am for wrk and to get the lo to daycare. I would LOVE on one of my days off to get to sleep in like him and HE get the baby. He doesn't have to go to work until the afternoon.
    I just want the effort to be 50/50! I'm so considerate with his wants and needs and I get none of that in return!
  • @1stWoodsBaby men.well at least mine...doesn't know what the hell incentive means apparently!
  • I think we all have the same mine occasionally does things but when he doesn't its like having 4 kids. Then on top of it he wants to come "get some" I'm like I'm tired! You'd think that would be motivation enough...I always tell him if you'd help me more I wouldn't be so tired and would want to have sex more...that doesn't go thru his head I've got his underwear laying around, balled up socks...ugh! I'm sitting here rockin the baby looking at his work clothes on my living room floor:(
  • @cupcake22 phsst. Mine normally doesn't get up until 1pm. And has be to wrk at 2:30. We hardly ever have any time together and when we do..the main thing on his mind is sex! I'm too damn tired for sex! I can "do myself" much faster and easier without all the extra bs.
  • Mine too! I know he works hard (out of house from 7.15am to 7.45pm but he NEVER understands the amount of stuff I do, and sometimes nothing I do seems good enough! Makes me wanna give up! I get to do lists too @1stWoodsBaby grrrr! All it takes is the baby to have an off day and everything gets put back but he doesn't get it!
  • My hubby thinks i sit on my ass all day doing nothing. Pisses me off when hes like "wash my jeans". Since we have been married, hes never cleaned or done laundry. After i had the baby my mom came over and cleaned and did laundry for us!
  • I love these threads where other husbands are getting abused lol. I ask my wife for to do lists as its so much easier than getting bitched at for missing something lol.
  • @dadof2n1togo Its not about one thing you missed its the fact that the majority of Stay at home mothers and even the ones that work and come home and manage to take care of the house and kids feel as if their not getting appreciated for what they do..
  • I don't mind doing getting dinner ready..etc.. I just hate when he asks me to do something ..when CLEARLY I'm doing something... so wait..!!!
  • I really really hate when he tells me to do something that i ama already doing
  • @nameless he never asks me to do things but if I don't do them..they won't get done. I don't mind cooking and cleaning if I didn't have to do it all the time. If I was a sahm I wouldnt care as much either but I wrk too.
  • @dadof2n1togo marry me? Lol!

    I WISH my bf would do something! He did, without me asking, take the dinner plates to the kitchen last night.
  • @caroline8_p one small step for giant leap for mankind! Lol
  • If my husband gave me a 'to do' list... We wouldnt be married anymore. All hell would break loose! Cleaning day after day gets old fast but gotta do what u gotta do.
  • @mommyof3girls all hell would break loose in my house too. That would make me feel like a child.
  • I'm a SAHM and I keep a very clean house (I'm OCD and freaked by germs). I have dinner cooked and ready to eat by the time my hubby gets home. I garden and keep a pretty yard. All I ask for is to pick up after yourself! BUT NOOOOOOOO. He comes in and lays his keys sunglasses phone dip and freaking spit bottle alllllll over the counter top. He walks with his dirty shoes thru my freshly mopped floor getting sand everywhere. Goes in The bathroom takes his clothes off and leaves them on the floor.(yup that's where they stay). He will leave his wet towel on the bed and so forth. He says I'm physcho! Wth yes I'm a little much but my god clean up your shit I'm not ur fing maid. Then he will says things like well he works? What does that mean? Bc u work I have to be ur person maid. He's only gotten up twice w our son and he's 7 months old. Its so frustrating they just don't get it. He says I'm always in a bad mood and have anxiety over the house......wellll.....CLEAN UP YOUR STUFF!
  • I feel that way sometimes but i also remember how much hes done for me. I do all that and he makes the money,provides, give me some,etc...and even takes care of the baby So i cant argue too much..
  • @valentinasmommy well my bf isn't the only one making money and providing here so its a little different. We do all of that stuff 50/50 EXCEPT cleaning.
  • Ok ladies... I'm gonna take a stand and probably get cyber slapped by you all.

    But as for "US" SAHM ... Cleaning and picking up and catering "IS" our job.

    I know... I know.. I know... We get the shitty end of the stick but reality.. managing the house is our career. That means cleaning, kids, food, daily routines and even possibly landscaping.

    Now the key to managing is not doing it alone.. its delegating it, organizing it, and sometimes taking a hands on approach.

    Advice.. if your man throws his clothes on the floor in the smart spot... Move a clothes hamper there.

    If your man can't seem to throw his beer or food away .. move a garbage can near him.

    If he doesn't remember to take out the trash.. leave post its for him.

    And if it still doesn't work.. like every other manager you need to give his ass a verbal warning .... LOL
  • @YNVTish Your right :) action is always needed.
  • edited May 2012
    @YNVTish, I think I'm the exception! Well, to a degree. My hubby is a clean freak and prefers to do the cleaning. He's trained me well, lol. Very early on he pointed out his likes and dislikes. I'm by no means a slob, but shoes coming off at the door and putting shoes away took some getting used to. Now I do it out of habit.

    Hmmm, wonder if that means women are more easily trained than men?!?! :O
  • @Mijita I think so :D
  • @ynvtish but I'm not a sahm. If I was..I probably wouldn't mind as much.
  • oh no @Mimii36 that comment wasnt for you. i know you're a working women and you do EVERYTHING for your spouse... We've alredy established he's tripping and slipping on a GREAT women. (and yes we're talking about that engagement shit.. ;-)

    I totally agree that if you are working YO MAN needs to step up and help out his 50%.. After a long day at work you shouldnt have to chase after him through the house picking up like hes a 2 year old...

    And yes... yes... yes... if I come home and cook, clean and attend to the children, and YO ASS comes home a kicks up your feet and enjoy life.


  • @YNVTish, you make me smile! Always!
    I have switched my tittle from SAHM to Nanny and maid! I do Everything inside and usually with one hand because Ashton has become a mommas boy and when he gets home from work he seldomly helps out. I don't expect him to read my mind but if it looks like I could use a hand..... duh, Help! We argued yesterday morning because he wanted 10more minutes of sleep, ummmm, we have two children under the age of four, you're lucky you even slept buddy!!!!!
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