fiddler crabs

Anyone had/have fiddler crabs?
A few months ago I bought my son 2 fiddler crabs, one male and one female. A few weeks ago, I found the males big claw floating at the top. I researched and found it happens and they grow new ones. Well it was starting to grow back but this morning I noticed all his legs were floating around separately. It looked like he shed them because they looked hollow, so I start searching for him and I couldn't find him! It was so weird, could the female have eaten him?? it's bazaar...just wondering if anyone knows anything about these creatures lol. I haven't told my son yet, he named them eggie and sprinkles lol.


  • Lol thats crazy but its possible. Maybe she did I heard females are very fiesty and will attack male crabs. Those names are too cute lol
  • Are you sure that one was male and one was female? Males are teritorial it could of been that it was 2 males.
  • @lolasbabynum1 that's what I'm thinking I guess she got sick of him eating all the food and never letting her get any! He was a punk lol but I'm sad, my son loved them :(

  • @Summergirl22 fiddle crabs will kill one another when there is not enough room in the tank recomended one sq foot per crab
  • @aubreysmommy I'm positive they were male and female. Male fiddler crabs have one huge claw, females do not. Telling them apart is fool proof :)
  • I just read reall quick up on them and found abiout the 1 sq foot rule or they will kill eachother
  • @Aubreysmommy ooh interesting, maybe that's why, I just had a small one gallon tank for them. I have a 20 gallon fish tank but they couldn't go in there since we have it set up for our tropical fish. They were small crabs and the space seemed fine. I even brought the tank into the pet store and asked if it would work for them. The guy (very knowledgeable) said yes. If someone was going to kill one, I would have thought it would be the male killing her! He was a bully
  • Thanks for the info :)
  • edited June 2012
    aw poor little guy. I hope your son isn't too upset. Funny story to go along with pets dying...
    I have two younger brothers. My middle brother wanted his own pet so my mom got him a sugar glider (mini flying squirrel.. neat animals). He kept it in a cage in the house when we weren't playing with him. But when we were home for a long time we'd let the pet out to fly around and run around. The poor little squirrel got in the washing machine and my mom didn't know it and she drowned it. :( We were too scared to tell my brother so we replaced it before he knew. About 4 months later My youngest brother and I were running around the house and knocked his cage over and he got a concussion and died.. We had to tell him because those things are expensive and we couldn't just keep buying them over and over. My brother was soooooo mad!
  • edited June 2012
    Lol awe that's cute, funny and sad ask at the same time lol
  • @1stwoodsbaby awww thats sad! I had sugar gliders before and i love them
  • they are definitely not for kids lol
  • If the crab completely molted, shed its exoskeleton, it leaves itself completely vulnerable to be eaten by anything that comes it way such as fish and other crabs. So its very possible for it to have been eaten or maybe it just died. They break down pretty fast after dying. My nick name used to be the fish lady.
  • @Steph_due_101611 that's what I thought; he completely molted. But then I started searching for him and found no body. It's hard to imagine that little crab ate a whole crab in one night. If she didn't eat him, where did he go?
  • You have a dry surface for them? They need to come out of the water every once in a while or they drown. Fiddlers are great escape artists. Im not sure what kind of water you have but im pretty sure they like brackish water.
  • They are excellent at escaping ^^^

    Or are there any places to hide?
  • I'm pretty sure those are the cutest names in the history of pet names!!! Lol it reminds me of when my sister named her kitten "Twinkie Hiccups" lololol!!! So was eggie the boy?? Lol
  • @starrxoxo9 :) lol he named his two fish Mrs. poof and Mr. fluff lol!
    Twinkie hiccups, how cute!
    Yup eggie was the boy lol (rip eggie lol).
    Kids are too darn cute!! :)
  • @mommy2chris yes they had dry surfaces. And nope they definitely couldn't escape. I know they will try. And the water levels are fine, I bring water samples into my local pet store often to get it tested. :)
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  • @Mama_Kat Whats a Beta?
  • @aishamusa you know those fighter fish that can live in a little tiny bowl, those are beta fish
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  • Lol @Mama_Kat

    Oh I see :) You should have got that kinda animal since you were talking about having a small space. @Summergirl22
  • edited June 2012
    @aishamusa I bought that tank for those crabs, I have a 20 gallon tank with tropical fish also. I don't really like beta because you can't put them together. Btw my son wanted and picked the crabs out
  • @summergirl I feel the same about the betas! They are pretty tho. Sorry your little Eggie died! My sister had two hamsters named Hammie and Sammie {her pick...she was 5} well one day she thought it would be a good ideas to use their cage as a stepping stool...BIG mistake..the top caved in and squashed hammy and Sammy...she cried for a month about them!
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