Co sleeping mamas

how do you ladies get comfortable enough to sleep I've been Co sleeping for about 2 to 3 months now and I just cannot get comfortable I wake up so sore


  • I have to sleep on my side being pregnant, but I got used to it..been cosleeping for 11 1/2 months :)
  • @ericaK22 Im used to sleeping on my side too but mine back just hurts so bad
  • I have always wondered this!!
  • Try putting a pillow behind you if you can do you won't be on your side all arm hurts bad if I sleep with it on the pillow, but I have no other choice since my son is taking up my arm space lol
  • @EricaK22 okay ill try that because sometimes when I wake up I feel like I can't even get out of bed thats how much I hurt
  • We have a queen size bed, against the wall. Daddy always sleeps on the outside. Malia & I take turns in the middle & wall spot. Each time she wakes up to eat, I get up & move her over so she is on the full boob side. I'm never in one spot all night. Sometimes when she is in the middle, daddy scoots in a little, so I push him & he moves over, lol.
  • @Caroline8_p we have a queen size bed to daddys sleeps against the wall and me baby sleep on the outside I'll push him when he scoots though he's pretty good about not scooting in now
  • I put my arm under the pillow lo is sleeping on so it doesnt get so sore. I try soooo hard not to have my lo in with me now though
  • I have the pillow underneath my arm I'm still really sore when I get up though
  • I put a pillow between my legs and my arm under my head pillow. It works for the most part :)
  • Lol a queen is just not big enough for us anymore. We're buying a king size bed bc i was always hanging off the bed lol. Pillows did help tho lol
  • I put a pillow between my legs and sleep on my side cause I'm pregnant. But I don't wake up sore which is surprising cause JaMaiya sleeps so wild every Time I wake up she is at the bottom. I think she likes laying on our legs.
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  • Hubby sleeps next to the wall, lo in the middle, me on the edge. I sleep with my arm under the pillow and on my stomach, or side. We have a queen bed, it's comfortable for us.
  • oh and I sleep with a small pillow between my knees, can't sleep without that!
  • Im not a co sleeper. I wonder why you woman do it?? Your not comfortable. So why? Plus it looks like hubbys are getting the short end of the stick.
    Not posting this to ruffel any feathers just wondering.
  • @kindell at first I though it was great because my lo göt fed through the night and I had so much sleep but I never thought how hard it is to get them out! I wish it was as easy as it sounds but its si hard and he screams till he chokes if I put him in his own bed. But iv learnt the hard way and would never do it again. Also it is unfair on hubby, we havent cuddled in bed for nearly a year :(
  • I been co-sleeping for 4 years almost
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  • I'm not too terribly uncomfortable. I have co slept with all 3 kids with no issues transitioning really.
    Humans are the only mammals that sleep away from our babies. :/
  • @kindel My husband and I have a king size and AJ sleeps so close to me the hubby gets 3/4 of it. I am the opposite y wouldn't we sleep with our babies. I can check on him a 100 times a night and never get out of bed. And I don't even wake up all the way more like feel to make sure he is breathing and I am back out. Sids was my worst fear so having him right next to me made sense.
  • edited June 2012
    OH, I put a pillow behind me so I can lay half on my back. And if Aj has a clingy night he can have a boob. That way we are all happy.
  • @bahamamama4828 I co slept with my son and still am with my daughter :) to me it's more than just getting a better nights rest, it's about the comfort and security it brings the baby (me as well). After growing in your belly, it's a drastic change to sleep all by your self. If I have another I will co sleep again :)
  • Idk ladies. To each is there own. Its not for me. Nicholas has been in his own bed since he was 4 days old. I had a c section so my husband brought him in the bed for me to feed and them put him back in his crib. @candy101 @tashalou
  • @kindell I was the same way I didn't start Co sleeping untill my lo was about 6 or 7 months she was in her.crib since she was brought home... I needed more sleep Co sleeping was helping but now seems to not work I think Im done Co sleeping
  • @kindell I feel ya on the c-section that was a horrible recovery time. But between pumping every 2 hours, feeding AJ, washing the stuff and changing him I took the extra few minutes I got by having him in bed with me.
    He will be 8 months soon so I am working on getting him into his crib. I was alao on doctors orders to sleep because I didn't take an easy after surgery and it was effecting my health negatively.
  • I am nursing so I value sleep and didn't feel like getting up a million times lol
  • I wish I had co slept with Ollie, but our bed just wasn't big enough ..and Tj could sleep thru a tornado. With this baby I think I am going to get the co sleeper that attaches to the bed.
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