the assasination of dr tiller *prolife* no arguing and no input if u don't feel the same. TIA
Just wanted to share this. Its a documentary on him. He was one of them few doctors who performed third trimester abortions if I thought the first trimester pictures were hard enough to watch I can't help but cry abut how the babies suffered. Grown babies. They could survive on their own
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hey Marline.
@sophiasmom11 yeah that wasn't cool etheir. Even though I wasn't ok with ehat he was doing I think what happened to him and where it did was sad. But I mean just to think of the hundreds he has done ahh its a touchy subject.
@bahamamama4828 I know exactly what you mean. People beg and pray their babies make it out of the nicu and then the ones who can survive are being killed smdh
@cantwait_93 hey
I agree about the man taking the doctors life but not the other part and frankly it clearly states at the top PROLIFE no arguing or INPUT if YOU DON'T feel the same
Also I agree with @Mama_Kat Prolife and Prochoice to me just deal with abortion. I don't find it hypocritical for someone to be for the death penalty and not for abortion it's two different things to me. JMO