anyone else have a due date of 11-11-11?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Just found out I'm pregnant with my 3rd! Due date is Nov 11, 2011! So cool! My boys are now 11 & 13 so its going to be interesting. We told them last night & they are excited. Hoping for a girl this time (fingers crossed!)


  • I'm due 11-10-11 but who knows it could be a day late! Haha! The 10th is my birthday so either way that's cool!
  • I'm due 11/11/11 with my third too! Mine are 18 and 14. I had to come back to the er today b/c I had some bleeding, they needed to get my hcg levels again. They haven't quite doubled, but are close. I'm considered a high risk pregnancy
  • No but I'm so jealous!! :) why are you high risk, @mom_after15yrs?
  • Lovemyangels-Ahh a birthday baby would be cool (mine's not gonna happen cause I'm January bday) . Mom_after15yrs- hope things get better for you. Hopefully the older kids will help (I'm hoping for that too). <3
  • Awww my due date nov 18 but u was crossing my fingers for the 11th because i find 11-11-11 so cool...
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