Birthing centers

edited July 2012 in Pregnant
Has anyone here went this route instead of a regular hospital birth? What was the birth like?

We have no insurance and i've found a birthing center I want to use and was just wanting to know others experiences.


  • I'm using one, just haven't given birth there yet. They are way cheaper than a hospital birth, and they even offer payment plans. :) Plus the time they spend with you is longer, rather than an ob.
  • I called the two closest ones to me today, and the cheapest one is an hour away. It's $5,000, not including ultrasounds. The other one was $6,000 and was an hour the opposite way.

    We talked about payment plans today and she said it would be anywhere from $300-$400 a month, so i'm pretty sure we are going to be using them.
  • Yep they are better than using a hospital. Mine was only $4499, and I only had to pay them $500. Plus you're not going to be stuck for 2 days in the hospital. They usually let you go home after 4-6hrs after birth. :)
  • @ErikaK22 that's another reason why I would rather use a birthing center than a hospital. Braiden will almost be two and I would love to be home with him as soon as possible
  • It's nice because some are set up like bedrooms with a tub.
  • That's why I wanted a birthing center as well. My son will be 14 months when this baby comes, and he's allowed in the room with me, which I like. Plus I wouldn't be able to care for him like I do if I had to go to the hospital.
  • @blessedTXMom where did you call? I don't remember where you're from.
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