omg finally a bfp!!

edited July 2012 in Pregnant
I have been ttc for 2 years and finally! Im so excited! I took a pt today cuz i felt sketchy when my monthly didnt show up and it was positive! So were the other 4day i took the next time i peed! Almost instantly!!! There is a problem tho, and i dont feel good about it. And certainly would rather not be judged. Things the past few months havent been good with my hubby, and i had taken a boyfriend, and its the boyfriends...


  • Does your husband know? Are you separated??
  • Omg!.congrats still!

    What are you going to do? Sounds like hubby was the reason for the long TTC?
  • Well congrats on the bfp! And I don't really have advice on the other part lol but I have seen you before on here and I wanted to tell you congrats! Everything happens for a reason....
  • I would definately tell hubby asap cause the longer you wait to tell him, you will stress more and that's not good for baby hun
  • Congrats!! Still a blessing. :) As for it being the bf's, do he and hubby know? Are you back with hubby now? It could get touchy...
  • Congrats!!
  • Congrats honey!!!
  • Congratulations
  • Congrats!!
  • Congrats!!
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations, even though it may not be the best situation.
  • Congratulations
  • Crazy situation..I know it all to well right now! Are you and hubby back together?
  • Congrats glad to see you back
  • Well, still in the process of leaving. Im not staying with my husband. I cant do that to either one of them. Now for apartment hunting...
  • Congrats! Are you and you're husband getting a divorce? Did he know you had a boyfriend? Is this going to be your first baby? If he knew you had a boyfriend and your in the process of getting a divorce it shouldn't be a big deal but be honest at least that's what I would do.
  • Congrats on ur bfp :) and I agree with @captivated hubby was the reason for no bfp in forever!!
  • If you're not actually married then be super happy.:) divorces are such a pain ontop of the emotional part.
  • Update...
    I dont know what to do. things arent going well with the boyfriend, and the hubby seems newly infatuated with me again. Im not sure what to do.
  • do whats best for you & baby :)
  • Do what you feel is best for you and baby. Does hubby know you a prego with the bf's baby?
  • We all have so many unanswered questions lol but congrats!
  • Well Congrats either way. Just stay on the positive of things. Ie. The baby
  • Definitely a blessing, i love the bf but i also love the hubby, cant seem to make heads or tails of the whole thing. My head just keeps swimming. Maybe i can blame it on pregnancy brain! Lol. Ive just been waiting so freaking long for this, go figure it has to come out of a jacked up situation.
  • And... i was at work tonight and was messing around with one of the doppler units we have on the floor and was able to hear what i am sure is babys heartbeat!
  • Congratulations :) , just relax and take one step at a time.
  • Like Janet_2011 said take one step at a time. And its always a great feeling to hear the hb for the first time.
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