Don't know how much longer I can take this ***UPDATE AT BOTTOM***
So I'm basically just "waiting" to have my miscarriage. I already know that the pregnancy is not viable and will be ending in miscarriage, but I've yet to actually start the miscarriage process. No bleeding, nothing. I don't know how any person can go on like this carrying the baby just waiting for something to happen :-(( I've only known for 4 days now but if feels like A LIFETIME! Please, has anyone been through a miscarriage like this? How long before you started bleeding? I've read online that people usually go through the process within 1 week of the diagnosis but can take up to 3-4. Now really, that would be hell. This needs to be over :-((
I'm sorry it's taking so long. You'll get more closure once it's over, I'm sure. Maybe try to stay busy so you don't have to think about it so much...easier said than done though. Hang in there. (((hugs)))
My experience with a missed miscarriage was terrible. My body would NOT let it go. That is very rare though and i would try to wait it out if possible, but I know how badly it can feel. I got to the point that i screamed at the OB, " how would you like to carry around a dead fetus in YOU for weeks with labor pain that wontbgo away?? This is disgusting and i want it out." She got pissed and left...
Stay strong. you can get through this!
@RTMommy thank you so much for replying....this was exactly what I was wondering. So it took you WEEKS??!!! I just don't know if I can do that! I just wish the nurse would have told me that right away so I had some type of an idea....she just said "i'd be really surprised if you didn't start bleeding this weekend." Grrrr. How did the medication work? Did it start the process about right away? I've heard that it makes it more painful???? I just think it would be nice to get it over with. I guess I don't really want a D & C. I just think it's strange that my nurse never mentioned any of these options to me. I never even talked to my doctor, just the nurse. She was great, talked for like 20 minutes, but would have been nice to know that there are other options. I'm sorry that you had to go through this, especially TWICE! :-S
@captivated I had no idea that was the whole story and you had to do it two times. I didn't know they made a mistake the first time now that I do I just wanted to say I Hope you're doing well now and it makes me mad they messed up so badly.
With my second MC, the pills didn't work the first OB was out of town and the on-call OB told me to just get a new rx and try again. That time worked, but I bled so horribly that I almost went to the hospital. I was more traumatized by the process that time. I ended up having retained tissue and still had to have the D&C.
If your body can do it on its own, I'm sure that would be the best way to go. If not, the pills worked great for me the first time...they may do the trick for you. And both times were painful, but my doc gave me some tylenol 3 for it. I hope I didn't freak you out with TMI, but those were my experiences. Let me know if you need anything. I'm sorry you have to go through this.
I had my 8 week appt a day b4 we left for Vegas. There was no heartbeat & my levels dropped. I was devastated, doctor said I could start to miscarry at any time. I cried all night not knowing what to do, the wedding was two days away...everything was paid for, people were already on there way to Vegas.
So I decided to put on a happy face and get married. I sent a mass txt mess to everyone letting them know I wasn't pregnant anymore and asked that no one bring it up. I cried the whole ride to Vegas, but as soon as I got there I wiped my tears and decided I was going to enjoy my special day.
Thankfully I got thru the weekend without any bleeding or cramps. I managed to put it out of my mind...until the ride home...I cried the whole way back. A week later and still no sign of a miscarriage so I took the meds, and after the second time my miscarriage started.
I hope your not in too much physical pain (i know emotionally it is the worst). I hope it's goes sorry you have to go thru this.
@2ndtimearound OMG that is horrible! I'm so sorry that you found out right before your wedding :-(( I can't even imagine how terrible that was! I'm sorry that you had to go through that! I'm glad that you were able to somewhat enjoy the weekend without any cramping anyways. No, no physical pain yet. So far it is not really what I was expecting, but maybe things haven't really "started" yet like I thought they had. We'll see. Thanks for sharing your story.
The only advice I can give you is watch out for a fevor, foul vaginal discharge, pains that don't stop in ur back/side/uturas or if you bleed through more then an over night pad in an hr. Any of those go to the er don't wait, waiting to long could meen infection and weeks of antibiotics or worse fertility problems down the rd.
If you need words of hope, a shoulder to cry on or just someone who will listen to fears or pain and grief inbox me. I've been through a lot this last year and as a proud angel mommy I find my strength to go on by helping others find hope. Xoxoxoxoxox prayers