When can you know the baby's sex????

edited March 2011 in First time moms
I go in for my appt tmrw and swore I would wait till baby was born to know sex. Now I can't wait to find out!!! This is my first baby. I'm 15 wks 4 days. Am I too early????


  • I think you should be able to tell
  • Sometimes you can tell that early but its better around 20 weeks from everything I've read.
  • @shae & @techgirlpa I'm on edge to find out!!! I keep hearing 20 wks but read somewhere that they develop their sex parts between 15-20 wks.
  • My doc can tell as early as 12 weeks
  • \:D/ I can't wait!!!
  • I had my u/s yesterday @ 19 weeks and he is definitely a boy. You could tell no problem right away.
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  • If you get a 4D ultra sound then you can find out at 14 weeks im getting one today..
  • I found out at 12weeks n 5days she confirmed again at 14 weeks but how does that work if they develop their parts at 15 weeks? Am I more far along? I'm 36 weeks and 3days edd 4/2/2011 I went to the doctorfor the first time the baby wasn't even in the sac yet. So how far along was I? Any help? Plz
  • I found out when I was 14 weeks and they confirmed it when I was like 20 weeks.
  • The baby starts to develop there sex parts between 10 to 12 weeks at 12 weeks there developed but most people have an ultra sound done at 20 weeks because the doctor is looking for certain things at that time......I hope that helps
  • :-?? We had our dr appt today and she is making us wait till next time to find out. My husband and I swore we would wait for baby to be born to find out but I can't take it anymore!!!! Lol so april 6 it is!! Thank u everyone for ur comments :)
  • I just found out today I'm having a girl!
  • @tweetlove Congrats!!!!!! A friend of mine made calculations on her chinese calendars and what not and can r to the conclusion that im are having a girl... Can't wait till next visit with dr....
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