I know what "they" say about when you "should" be able to feel movement, but I want to know when you mamas first felt your little babes squirm around in there. :-)
They say if ur really thin u can feel them sooner I felt anthony 1st movement at 12 weeks I know a lot of people won't believe me but than I didn't feel him again for a couple of weeks
This is great, thanks ladies! I had an anterior placenta and didn't feel my first until almost 20 weeks, but I swear I keep feeling little pops here and there at 12/13 weeks. I'm not terribly thin and keep thinking I MUST be imagining it, but I know it's not gas....LOL What else could it be but nugget#2? :-)
First flutters at 14 weeks with my first.. regular movement at 16. not until 20-22 weeks with my 2nd. But i was more busy with my 2nd so i wasnt really paying attention.
I felt my first around 18 weeks. With this one, I swear I have felt flutters since 13 weeks, but the OB I saw last week rolled her eyes when I said that. She's not my usual doc so I just said whatever...I know what I felt. Hah