Trying to lose 100lbs, PLEASE HELP. Progress update 23rd Oct.12-33lbs down!

UPDATE-24 September

Adding pictures of me taken yesterday- I dont have many before pics for obvious reasons, but am posting progress pics on here once a month as I need the motivation...Scary, BUTTTTT, in the words of Will.I.Am, 'this version of me is not permanent'

So....Deep breath. Here goes.





And the gross ones without clothes (TMI)




Hi ladies. I have a big ask of each of you, and also anybody else who may read this and has any input or suggestions which may help.

Mijita, I have tagged you because I think ive read that you are a dietitian, and I am in desperate need of some support and advice.

Tara, I have tagged you because I know that you have LOTS of info on natural remedies etc.

Sarah, I have tagged you because you've been where I am, and made a success of the journey that Im starting out on, so I hope you wouldnt mind pointing me in the right direction?

Basically, my situation is this:

I am 28, 5ft 11 tall, and 246lbs. My BMI is 34.5
I suffer with Chronic Fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
I Have a ten year old son, and an 8 month old daughter.
My mother has stage 4 cancer in her Lungs, Brain and stomach.
I Smoke 20 cigarettes per day.
I drink 2litres diet pepsi per day.
I drive.

I have a LOT of work to do.

According to my height, my ideal weight should fall between 146-176lbs.

I would like to be 170lbs.

I would guesstimate my calorie intake per day to be around 2200, possibly more.
I've been advised that to lose a healthy 2lb per week, my calories need to be reduced to around 1400 per day.

I currently have ZERO energy. I sleep 13 hours per day and am still tired ALL the time. I have to drag myself around, and have no spring in my step. This is where I was hoping you could help @bahamamama4828, is there anything you can recommend to help with my energy levels?

I also suffer with extreme migraines.

@Mijita, is there anything you can advise with regards to what I need to do to start losing weight and getting healthier? And staying motivated? I just honestly dont know where to begin.

@Sehra4177, How did you manage to lose your weight and keep it off? Did you have a special diet or did you just restrict your calories and exercise more?

I am sitting here typing, and as I do so,I am smoking a cigarette. I have 4 cigarettes left in my pack. I am not buying any more. I have promised my son that I will go to a mixed martial arts class with him on Wednesday but I am so unfit at the moment that Im not sure if i will be able to participate. I used to be a purple belt Karate champion. I would love to be fit enough to compete again. More than anything, I want to be able to walk past a shop mirror and not feel disgusted with myself.

I DONT want to become my mother, and have my kids changing my nappies, as I do for her.

I thought I might try to track my progress on here, week by week, to see if that helps me to keep my motivation going, if you all dont mind reading about it?

Anybody else that needs to lose a lot of weight is more than welcome to join me.

I guess I really just need some pointers. I was due to go to a dietitian because of my illness, but due to budget cuts in the NHS, my funding got refused, so this is a journey I am taking alone.

My husband isnt interested.

Please help.

Thanks for reading, if nothing else.




  • I would love to join u I want to loose 100 lbs as well. And. I just started taking healthty trim but I ts too early for results. I have 3 under the age of three and I just want to be healthy. I'm also open for advice.
  • You should be eating a balanced diet. Being 5'11” I'm sure you don't look 248lbs. I'm 5'11” myself, and am currently around 235lbs, but I'm also 36 weeks pregnant.

    For energy you should take some B12 supplements. Also try to cut out on the diet Pepsi, as the aspartame in it is deadly. Even if you can only drink a few glasses of water, and am trying to cut out the soda, you're making a step in the right direction. Eat every 2 hours, and stop eating after will kick start your metabolism. Lots of lean meats(chicken breast, turkey, fish), dark leafy greens, and whole grains should be the main thing of your meals.

    I think you'd feel better too with some fresh air..just getting out an walking for 20mins a day will make you feel like you have more energy. :) Good Luck :) :)

    I'm sorry I was all over the place lol
  • First of all, let me say that I am proud of you for stepping up in wanting to make a committment to improve your health! That's a start. Secondly, start by taking baby steps. You are trying to commit to too many changes at once and you are setting yourself up for failure. What I mean is, you want to lose weight, you want to get motivated with energy (physical activity), and you want to quit smoking. You need to take gradual steps, otherwise you'll feel overwhelmed from all the changes that you'll give up. Small changes have a domino effect on our health, so even a small change in one area can reflect changes in others.

    I can see why you are so tired. You are consuming way too much soda, regardless if it is diet. The caffeine itself is causing a rollercoaster ride of fatigue. You need to start drinking more water. Water is so essential to our bodies, we take it for granted. You are literally sludging your system.

    First -- choose your battles. Decide what change you want to make first. Keep in mind that with some changes other benefits occur (i.e. walking 10 minutes a day = gradual increases in energy). If I had to make a recommendation, I would say for the first week aim to decrease your soda intake, increase your water intake and make an effort to put in at least 10 minutes of physical activity (PA) per day. Or you can decrease your soda intake, increase your water, and count calories staying within the 1800 - 2000 calorie range for the first week. Then you can skip the exercise for PA and start to incorporate it in week 2. Do you see what I am doing? I am making gradual changes so that you can get acclimated to your new behaviors.

    Your desire to quit smoking is a honorable one. It is a huge committment, but with this comes the possibility of weight gain. You'll have to compensate for smoking triggers and alleviate them (i.e. chewing gum, drinking water, taking a walk, brushing teeth, munching on carrots, celery, broccoli to work through a craving). I hate to give you a reason to continue smoking, but too many changes will make you feel like a failure and you will become unmotivated. I want you to stay motivated. So, this committment may be better pushed back a couple weeks.

    I am going to say that 1400 Kcals for day is not ideal, I would suggest aiming between 1800 - 2000 per/day. You can tier down as you lose weight. We can talk about this more if you want.

    Your focus on 2 lbs for week is PERFECT, safe and IDEAL! It is important to only weigh yourself once per week. Choose your day, make it first thing in the morning. You will only discourage yourself if you weight more than that. Our weight fluctuates with stress and with the foods we consume.

    Any questions, just me know.

    Good luck sweetie. I am proud of you!
  • I understand its hard. You def need support. I actually ended up getting gastric bypass bc I lost alot after high school by myself and over a 8 yr span gained it back:( I lost 144lbs by myself by just using the food pyramid, I made everything low fat. Also cut back on the grains group from 9 to 12 servings per day to 4 daily. It would always be whole grain. It's actually alot of food when you follow it...just make sure you pay attention to serving sizes bc that is key. Anything is ok in moderation. Bc I always liked sweets I also allowed myself every other day a serving of ice cream. Keep healthy snacks around, like kind bars are good or find a good protein bar you like. Greek yogurt is great as a snack.
    I opted to get the surgery only bc I tried to lose and I'd lose 50lbs and it would stop. I was getting older it was harder. It's def not the easiest way out bc you have to eat right or you get sick. It's not for everyone but it gives you the tools to lose weight. I know too many people who get it and put weight back on...I've stuck to the diet so I've been successful.
    But even with surgery I still follow a strict diet. I did gain with having the boys right after each other and am working on losing about twenty lbs. I was 325lbs when I started now I am 180lbs. I am 5'8". I'm 35 so the metabolism is def slowing down. Another reason for me to take the surgery route was I was developing sleep apnea and also see how my mom is (she is about 400 lbs) she is 65 and can't even get out of the house anymore. She didn't even go to my brothers (only boy) graduation. I want to bq around for my kids and be able to run around with them.
    If you need help I can help. I wish you luck. One thing is quit smoking...its not good for you:'(
    Def lookup the food pyramid that helps a ton. Gum helps too, lol...keeps your mouth busy:)
  • @mijita thanks for replying, I really do appreciate your input, and will willingly take instruction, as I do not want to carry this weight around any more. I NEED to feel healthier. I'm going to do with your suggestion of baby steps, I think I got caught up in the moment, but can see that my cigarettes might be a crutch that I'll be grateful for over the next few weeks, so will shelve that one for now. I'm going to try not to drink any more pepsi, I know its the devil, its an addiction I've had since I was a kid, and one that I've never successfully kicked. With regards to the calorie intake, I struggle, as I make our meals myself, but don't have a great grasp on how to measure rice/pasta\mashed potatoes, which are the mainstays of our diet, but will definitely try to do ten minutes PA per day. If you don't mind, I'd like to check in with you next week for advice re upping my PA etc, depending how I get on. I will also weigh in every Monday, and will post if you're interested? I'd really appreciate the support.

    @ericak22 thank you for the pointers, I will definitely be doing those- you're right, I tend not to look like the weight I am, because I 'carry it well' but I feel awful. Even if I could lose 30lbs, I know I would feel the benefit of it.

    @hsweetie21, I am going to try to track my progress on here. My weigh day will be monday, and if you want to weigh with me, that would be great. If not, you could add me on FB and we can be weight loss buddies, it might help us both to keep motivated.

    Trying to get my head around this, because as much as I'm going to LOVE being slimmer, this is not for cosmetic reasons, I want to be a good mother to my kids, not one who is too tired to do anything most of the time.
  • @sehra4177- Thanks hon- yes, please help!!! I don't even feel that I want to tell anybody that I'm starting out AGAIN, because I've failed so many times before. I think you did amazingly well hon, its not an easy thing. Surgery eouldnt be an option for me, because I'm not quite obese 'enough' to qualify over here, and I'd be much happier if I could achieve it without having to have an operation. I haven't heard of the food pyramid, I'll definately look that up tomorrow. Itss 1am here now so I'm going to try to sleep, but tomorrow is day 1 of new me mode. I'm really grateful to have you ladies to support me, I know I'm going to need it!
  • Ok we can do it together, I'm gonna start too:)
  • Ok i am not reading all that but i weigh 150 and am 5 feet tall. first thing I recomend is cut out food after six. I stalled on my weight loss and thats how I got things going again my top weight was 190. not a whole lot less and almost a foot difference in hight
  • Good for you mama!! You can do it! If you truly want to change, it will happen. I smoked 1/2 a pack a day before Tessa and quit cold turkey the day I got my bfp. Since she's been born I've only smoked on social occasions while having a few drinks ;) lol. I'd love to be weight loss buddies!! I'm 5'1" and weigh 153. My BMI is 30 point something lol. I'd like to be 125. So 28lbs is my goal. I lost 12 lbs in about 3 months using the app My Fitness Pal. I highly recommend it!! I definitely would have lost more but I totally fell off and got lazy lol. It's a slow and steady weight loss, but it's the best way to keep it off! Let's keep each other motivated!! :D
  • I'm tying to lose at least 70lbs right now. I'm on my 2nd day of a 14 day "jumpstart" for a diet. Ive started to run as much as I can..which isn't very much lol but any little bit helps. I would defienty stop with the soda..its amazing how much a person can lose with just stopping that! Then I would slowly start cutting out sugars and fatty stuff.
  • These ladies are awesome! I'll link ya some stuff as well to follow. You can do this! :)
    Key is replacing all the bad things you like to healthier similar items like carbonated water instead of soda. I'm on my phone so wheni get on comp ill type more.
  • Oh yea^^^ one of my co workers SWEARS by flavored carbonated water. It's calorie and sugar free and totally satisfies your soda craving!
  • Hi Lucy!!
    I'm trying to lose 40 pounds. I have zero energy a well. I'm up for weighing in on here once a week.
  • I was 234 lbs when I was 9 months pregnant and I'm 5'4. I gained a ton of weight. A year later I weigh 160 and still trying to lose about 20 more. I drank more water and cut back in what I ate. And walked every day and got Just Dance for the wii. I try to have fun while I work out if I can. Also I got the ab perfect which seems to help with sit ups. Hang in there and do ur best. It's definately hard to lose the weight. Good luck :)
  • oky sounds great, ill start my weigh in on monday as well. yeah my email for facebook is i think you can search under the email and my name is emily .
  • Im on day #5 of trying to lose weight. I have about 25lbs to get rid of. Nice to see woman on here giving eachother support for something that can be sooooo hard. Good luck ladies. :)
  • I've lost about 20 pounds & still have about 35 to go. I'm at a plateau right now which stinks, but I've been losing pretty slow anyways. I need to step it up a notch. I started walking a mile a day. It took about 18 minutes the first time, now I'm down to about 12 & a half minutes. I've been cutting off 30 seconds a week. I'm not doing a special diet, I just cut out all drinks but water or herbal tea and I cut out all animal products. Now I need to cut out more processed foods. It's been a slow process (about 3 months) like @mijita said, but I've been able to stick with it that way. It doesn't even phase me to not want a coke or meat anymore. It's like it's not even a part of my life anymore & I used to be addicted to cherry dr pepper & cherry coke bad! I'm just saying all this to encourage you that you can do it. It's hard, but once you start feeling better & your clothes get looser it will inspire you to do the next thing. The hardest part is just getting started, which you've already done!
  • just messaged you! :)
  • I'm working on losing 110lbs, I'm 5'7" at 260. You can totally do this! I will forewarn you from personal experience, wean off of cigarettes and soda one at a time. I tried doing them together and got the nastiest migraine of my life! I still smoke but have really cut down on my soda, I usually drink ice tea brewed at home. I have a great calorie counting app you just search 'fat secret' its free and tells you how many calories you've burned when you input your daily activities!
  • ^^^yes! you know whats really good too, taking some alkaline or carbonated water and adding some fruit to it overnight for a yummy drink!
  • Well done sweetie, you can do this!! I need up my exercise as I feel so sluggish at the moment. I have rheumatoid arthritis and one of the drugs I take once a week is used to treat cancer. It gives me severe nausea, occasionally I am sick, metal mouth and mouth sores. I have lots of options with my exercise and feel positive about this but wondered if you could advise on supplements and good foods for the 2/3 days after I have had the meds @mijita @Bahamamama4828 Thank-you in advance x
  • edited August 2012
    Go ladies!!!!! \:D/

    @pineapple07 I use that app! We could start a Pregly group!
  • Omg, I just noticed I freaking wrote a book! Lol sorry! :)
  • edited August 2012
    Go go go, I want to lose 50 pounds, im at 170 and I dont even know where to start.
  • @littlenat86, drugs like methotrexate used for RA have shown very effective in alleviating pain, but unfortunately cause uncomfortable side effects. Because you get mouth ulcerations you should stick with soft bland foods and avoid the citrus or spicy foods. Foods such as banana's, blueberries, cantaloupe, canned fruits, jello, pudding, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs etc., provide a good energy source when dysgeusia is present. Good oral hygiene is important and well also help with sores.

    Exercise it's very important for individuals with RA, as I'm sure you know. It helps lesson joint pain and stiffness, buy will also curtail fatigue and sluggishness. Make sure to keep it low impact though.

    I'm hesitant to suggest any supplementation as they may have a negative synergistic effect with your RA meds. I would suggest asking your rheumatologist for ideas in this area.
  • edited August 2012
    @JoshnEviesmum, how did you do with your mindset today? Did you move forward and consciously cut down on your soda intake?

    I was thinking about you today and wanted you to know that if your mind is telling you to just start fresh on Monday, change it and start as soon as possible. No big changes. If this is the case focus on replacing two cups of soda with that of water. If you start sooner, you'll be that much more ahead. :)

    I'm here to support you and please don't be ashamed of set-backs, we all have them. Tomorrow will come, so why not make the most of today, right?

    I'm rooting for you! \:D/
  • Thanks so much @mijita I am so grateful for your advice. Really struggling at the moment and just feel like rubbish for half the week and I don't want to be like that for the boys! X
    Hope today went well sweetie @JoshnEviesmum x
  • Hi ladies, sorry not been on- babys not well so haven't really had a minute to myself- I'm amazed to have so much support on here- thank you!

    @mijita, you will be pleased to know that I haven't had ANY pepsi since we last spoke. This is day two, I'm feeling positive, but have had a horrible migraine for the past two days which I'm sure is partly withdrawal- I DID have a few chocolate biscuits last night but I'm not going to let that get to me, I know this is just the beginning of a long journey- I made a vegetable soup last night for the first time ever, which was lovely too! So, so far, so good.
    I didn't manage the ten minutes of activity yesterday due to the migraine, but am planning on going for a walk today. Also, its mixed martial arts class tonight, I'm nervous, but gonna go and give it a try!

  • Martial arts was fun! And still no cola, feeling quite proud of myself at the moment!
  • Yay! I walked/jogged for 2.8 miles today! :)
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