oh the joys of being a military spouse
So hubby went TDY (out of town for work) on Thursday... He's supposed to be back Monday, so nice quick trip right? Psh... Something breaks and all the sudden he miiiiiight be home Tuesday... Maybe. Meanwhile, there's a hurricane coming and I'm left to prepare for it by myself. Wonderful!!! I've never been thru a hurricane... I don't think it'll get bad enough for them to evacuate us. So I'm trying to get things together at home. I can handle it and all but what upsets me the most is I'm supposed to have another ultrasound on Wednesday (the day the storm is supposed to hit). Sometimes I think the baby didn't show me a heartbeat last week bc it was waiting for daddy. (silly, I know) So now, I'm worried about riding the hurricane out by myself and having to miss the ultrasound!!!
Damn you Isaac!!!
Damn you Isaac!!!
Second, I've never been through any kind of natural disaster... but maybe a safety deposit box with your valuables, passports, etc.?
Stay safe!
Send me back to the Midwest with tornados!!!! At least I don't have TIME to stress about it happening!!!!
Ive only been on one tdy and it was to friggen Sheppard for 1 wk! Boring!
So I threw the pregnancy in the mix and said sheltering on base, sleeping on tile floors and all that, would be to stressful on the pregnancy. I realllllllllly hope they agree.... I'll find out tomorrow. I'm so flippin stressed! Why can't the hubby just be HOME for this mess?!?!?!?!