edited August 2012 in Ages & Stages
My daughter Nevaeh sits supported in her bumbo sit that me and her daddy got her and at first she loved it. But it seems everytime I sit her in it when daddy is not home she throws a fit. I have tried sitting her a child size box and the first time I ever did it she loved it. I have tried to sit behind with her between my legs and she won't do it with me for long without fussing. But she will do with her daddy. I have tried excises of her lying down and pulling her up to a sitting position by her hands around my fingers! And I am doing other strentghing excises so she can sit unsupported and to learn to crawl. She can hold her chest and head up while on her belly but not for long because she gets tired. I had gone back to working for alittle while and when her daddy was home with her she would roll back and forth from her back to her belly and get in the crawl position, on her knees and raise herself on her hands for like four seconds and then get tired. Her daddy even said it sounded like she was trying to say mama, baba, and dada. She is seems really advance in some areas because she can hold her own bottle and fed herself but I worried she is behind in sitting up unsupported! And I know every baby developes different but everything I try to help to learn how to sit she been fighting me on lately! And I hear that some babies don't ever crawl go striaght to walking and pulling themselves up. And I hear that some babies won't even learn how to sit they will go straight to crawling. Help! This is my first child! I don't want her to get behind!


  • That bumbo chair is uncomfortable. My LO only sat in it for 5 mins to the most. There back is still developing.
  • My daughter didn't even roll from her back to her tummy til 7mos. She started crawling at 9mos. (i was walking at 9mos) She is now 11mos and crawling like a speed demon. She can pull herself up, but she isn't walking yet.She can't even stand by herself for more than a few seconds. I wouldn't worry too much yet. My friends baby didn't even start crawling til he was almost 1. Just give her time. She will do it when she is ready :)
  • Aadyn is 8 months. He is crawling, sits unsupported (but cant actually sit up himself, we have to sit him up but then he can sit forever & not fall). However, a month or 2 ago, he couldnt do any of it. I was starting to worry bc my first son was very early with everything. It seemed like all of a sudden, Aadyn was able to do all this;like over night. I wouldnt worry right now. There is still plenty of time & she will probably start doing it all at once, very quickly like Aadyn did. Mommies tend to worry before there is any need to! Also, I have heard before that babies tend to focus on one major milestone at a time. I.E. They crawl before saying any words, or vice versa, or they will start walking & then move on to the next milestone. So if she seems advanced in certain areas & not others, then she is probably focusing more on that specific area first. I hope that made sense. I may be wrong, but I knw I have read that before. Really though, I wouldnt worry unless she isnt hitting any milestones
  • edited August 2012
    @davidnaadynsmama took the words right out of my mouth Nevaeh may be so focused on her amazing communication and fine motor skills, that her gross motor skills fall by the wayside for a bit. Also, its pretty common for babies and young children to regress a little if there's a big change (like having a different care provider for a majority of the day). Don't worry; you're doing everything right...she'll get there!!!
  • I wouldn't worry too much, my son is 4 months and sits already but my other two sat early but didn't walk until almost 18months...everything else they did ahead of what they should but walking they just wouldn't do...I got all stressed out about it. My dad didn't walk til he was two...some kids develop other skills first or better.My daughter is so smart and when she was two could do puzzles and by 3 could I think sometimes when they don't do a certain milestone they may be doing other things like I notice my son is very observant...he picks up on things so while he didn't walk early he was busy picking up on other things.
  • My 10 mo old could roll both ways by 5 mo. She couldn't do anything at all after that. I made her a therapy appt and what do ya know, she started sitting unsupported and goes from laying down to sitting on her own a week ago before she even starts therapy next month. She still can't crawl but gets into position. Kids are funny sometimes :)
  • So depressed right now. I need HELP AGAIN! My daughter can now sit up in in bumbo sit for 40 minutes or more without falling over, but still can't sit unsupported and work with her on it. But she throws fits just leaning against me between my legs. She can sit on her own putting her weight with her hands on my fingers for 2 to 3 seconds. And supporting herself on her hands leaning forward for maybe 1 to 2 seconds. And she can get into a crawling/ sitting position on her shins and hands for 1 to 2 sometimes 3 seconds. And I am trying to be patience with her. But she got so upset today trying to work with her on all these things and she threw up three times which was half of the bottle she had 30 minutes to an hour before that! And I am not pushing her, I am just trying to work on it each day for maybe 5 to 10 mintues a day. And she was trying to get in a crawling position over a month ago but won't roll over on her own anymore really to get in that position to try to crawl! And if I lay her her on her belly she throws a fit if she didn't get there on her own! I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO AND I AM AFRAID THAT SHE IS FALLING BEHIND IN HER DEVELOPMENT AND THAT I FAILED HER AND I AM A BAD MOTHER! HELP PLEASE I SO OVERWHELMED RIGHT NOW AND DEPRESSED AND FRUSTRATED!
  • I wouldn't worry just keep at it. What I did with my son is I sit him up...I hold his.legs. if he starts to fall back he learned to catch himself. It helped his back muscles. After doing this he now has been sitting since 4 months old. He is five months old as of Aug 31st and now sits without even using his hands to brace himself. He catches himself if he starts to fall. Both my boys sat early but I just kept working with them. Even if they get upset do it only a few min a day. My two yr old started sitting at 6 months. Just do what you can...don't over stress it tho bc my sons both sat early but my 2 yr started walking at 16 months so he was behind there. If its top far behind your pediatrician would at that point recommend a therapist. My niece was behind so my sisters dr advised a therapist
  • All babies develop at different paces, so of you are worried because people are telling you she is behind, don't listen to them. Make sure you give her plenty of tummy and floor time to develop and strengthen her muscles. Put toys around her to pique her curiosity to stimulate movement. I would strongly discourage the Bumbo for long periods of time, rather give her more floor time.

    If you still feel concerned at her 9 month appt, mention your concerns to her doctor.

    Here is a generic guideline of what some milestones are for age. It's not set in stone and ”MAY” is the operative word. She may hit them within the ages specified, some sooner, others later.
  • GENERIC guidelines, not exact for any baby.

    You need to let her be, let her just play on the floor however she wants, supervised obviously, and let her do her own thing. No more 5-10 routines of something she isn't personally ready for.
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